To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families presenting data about patterns of exclusions and elective home education in Leeds over the past three years; the arrangements and progress made, particularly in relation to permanent exclusions. The report also outlines the work that will be undertaken through the ‘3A’s Strategy’ to work with schools to reduce exclusions and to improve outcomes for children and young people.
The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which presented data regarding patterns of exclusions and elective home education in Leeds over the past three years, and the progress being made in this area, with particular reference to permanent exclusions. The report also outlined the work that would be undertaken through the ‘3A’s Strategy’ to work with schools to reduce exclusions and to improve outcomes for children and young people.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment proposed that in addition to sharing the data contained within the submitted report with both the Department for Education and the Children’s Commissioner, all schools be contacted with the aim of the Council working in partnership with them to protect the most vulnerable children and young people.
Members welcomed the submitted report and the approach being taken to bring the fact based information to the Board’s attention, to enable the Council to provide challenge in this area.
Responding to a Member’s specific enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with further information regarding the issue of elective home education.
Members highlighted the statutory responsibilities of the Local Authority in this area, and the need to ensure that the Council continued to fulfil its role as required. As such, it was requested that further reports be submitted to the Board on such matters, as appropriate.
Responding to Members’ comments, the Board received further details of the range of ongoing actions being taken by the directorate to monitor and address the issues highlighted within the report.
(a) That the information contained within the submitted report, together with the recommendations in the Timpson Review (as detailed at Appendix 2) and the issues raised by the Children’s Commissioner in her report “Skipping School: Invisible Children - How children disappear from England’s schools”, as referenced in the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That it be noted that the Children and Families directorate will produce an annual report on the issue of exclusions and elective home education;
(c) That it be noted that the remit for monitoring exclusions and elective home education falls under the Head of Learning Inclusion;
(d) That the Board’s support be provided to the Children and Families directorate as it seeks to drive down the rate of fixed term exclusions across the city and to reduce the average length of time pupils are excluded for;
(e) That the Board confirms its ambitious expectations towards ensuring that the city’s most vulnerable children and young people are not prevented from accessing a full education through any of the methodologies listed in the submitted report;
(f) That agreement be given for the data contained within the submitted report to be shared with both the Department for Education and the Children’s Commissioner, as they both have a clear interest in this issue, and that all schools also be contacted with the aim of the Council working in partnership with them to protect the most vulnerable children and young people;
(g) That further update reports be submitted to the Board on this matter, as appropriate.
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