Agenda item

Bradford Core Strategy Partial Review

The report of the Chief Planning Officer advises the Development Plan Panel on proposals set out in Bradford’s Core Strategy Partial Review (CSPR) Preferred Options and advises on implications for Leeds.


(Report attached)



The report of the Chief Planning Officer invited the Development Plan Panel to note the proposals set out in Bradford’s Core Strategy Partial Review (CSPR) Preferred Options and the implications for Leeds. The report detailed the CSPR Preferred Options which included proposed changes to the adopted Core Strategy. The CSPR Preferred Options are subject to public consultation from 30th July to 24th September 2019.


Appendix 1 to the report set out Bradford’s consultation questions with proposed overall comments and suggested Leeds responses to Bradford.


The Team Leader presented the report and provided background content to the Bradford CSPR, further highlighting Leeds’ concerns and comments about some of the draft proposals detailed at Appendix 1. It was noted that Leeds would have continued and on-going engagement with Braford throughout the process.


The Panel discussed the following key issues with officers:


In response to a question in regard to the timeline of the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) for Bradford, Leeds will need to enquire whether Bradford intends to update the timescales for its SAP in its Local Development Scheme.


South East Braford. In regard to transport infrastructure Members raised concerns about new road links along the Green Belt gap between Leeds and Bradford.


Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation in response to concerns in regard to the reduction in pitches, it was agreed that officers should seek dialogue with Bradford to better understand Bradford’s methodology for their need assessment and whether the Gypsy and Traveller Exchange could be involved. 


Location of Housing. Members questioned the impact Bradford would have on Leeds, specifically in relation to an increase in traffic. Officers confirmed that current proposals are high level and lack detail of exact scale and location and that this information could be included in subsequent stages of the Core Strategy or in the Site Allocations Plan which Leeds will be able to comment on in due course.


Climate Emergency. Members agreed that the information provided in the report covered very little scope in providing an explanation on the effect of climate change, particularly in regard to transport issues and proposals with Leeds Bradford Airport. Officers explained Braford are introducing and strengthening policies of which Leeds already have implemented; the Chief Planning Officer confirmed neighbouring authorities would need to work collaboratively across the city region to ensure the policies implemented are consistent.


Engagement - Leeds City Region Strategic Duty to Co-operate. Members highlighted the importance of ensuring Council Members are kept up to date with Bradford’s proposals and that regular updates are received. Officers confirmed Members would be kept up to date on currently proposed proposals and that the Preferred Options stage provided officers and Members with an opportunity to highlight concerns, in an attempt to influence the next stage of the plan proposal. The Chief Planning Officer explained the process of the Duty to Co-operate and informed Members they had previously received the background paper, detailing how cross boundary matters are dealt with.


Green belt.In response to a Members’ question in regard to protecting green belt, it was brought to Members’ attention that sites put forward in the SAP are considered in terms of the green belt gap and proximity to Bradford; there has to be a sound plan which is evidence based. Additionally, there is an agreed methodology and each Local Authority presents its proposals at the earliest stage for comment.


In conclusion, the Chair re-iterated matters which Panel had consistently raised as an issue and sought to ensure that Members comments were included in the consultation response relating to:

·  Location of houses

·  Transport infrastructure investment

·  Gypsy and Traveller sites

·  Impacts on the climate change emergency proposals


In addition, the Chair further made reference to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) and the mass transit system plans. The Chair suggested that this be brought back as an item at a future Panel meeting to discuss the emerging plan proposals.


The Chief Planning Officer confirmed that Leeds would make the comments to Bradford as set out in the appendix to the report with a covering letter summarising the comments raised by Development Plan Panel Members.



a)  To note the contents of the report and discussions held at the meeting;

b)  To note the draft public consultation comments attached at Appendix 1;

c)  To note that the comments made at the meeting would be attached to the schedule of responses at Appendix 1, subject to further comment from Panel Members, prior to the submission to Bradford before the consultation deadline 24th September;

d)  To note the intention to receive a further update at a future Panel meeting in regard to the issues outlined in discussions.


Supporting documents: