To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities
The report of the Area Leader introduced the Outer East Community Committee Forward Plan for 2019/20. It detailed the Community Committee meeting dates and set out workshop themes as well as providing an update on engagement with local communities.
It also highlighted the role of the Community Committee Champions and the work of the Community Committee in relation to the Council’s Constitution and associated delegations which are manged through its sub group structure.
Bali Birdi, Senior Localities Officer presented the report.
Members’ attention was brought to for the coming workshops that were detailed in Table 1 of the report.
The following was discussed:
· Christmas for Good Neighbours – It was reported that Ward Members in Crossgates and Whinmoor had ring-fenced funding for local parties.
· International Older People’s Day – There had previously been more locally held events to celebrate this and it was felt there should be a return to a more local format of provision.
· ELOR Workshop – The Leeds City Council team and WYCA were commended for their work on some of the big junction schemes that were nearing completion and it was suggested that Members received a presentation to summarise the works. Reference was also made to new homes that were to be built in Outer East Leeds and proposals for GP/Health Centres.
· Due to the deferral of the item for Climate Change, it was reported that an additional meeting would be held in November 2019.
The Chair welcomed Kris Nenadic, Parks Operation Manager to the meeting to update the Committee following the Executive Board report: Adapting Parks and Green Spaces for Climate Change. The following was highlighted:
· Parks and Countryside approach to help achieve the City to become carbon neutral by 2030.
· Parks and Countryside had responsibility for 4,000 hectares of land which accounted for 7% of the footprint of the city.
· The benefit of trees for removing CO2 from the atmosphere and capturing carbon.
· Not just about tree planting – areas where grass did not need to be cut as frequently and how this could have biodiversity benefits. Ward Members would be consulted.
· There would be an audit of all parks and areas considered for tree planting. There would be further discussion with the Environment Sub-Group.
· It was hoped to commence tree planting before the end of the year.
Further discussion included maintenance of wild flower meadows, funding for tree planting, landscaping schemes in new developments and use of volunteers.
The Chair welcomed Inspector Mick Preston to the meeting.
The Committee was given an update on Policing staff across the area and latest crime figures. Crime was generally reducing but there had been an increase in Kippax and Methley. There was concern regarding a rise in anti-social behaviour although this was now reducing. Members were also informed of PCSO involvement across the area.
Members had noted a creditable improving in policing across the area and thanks were expressed to Inspector Preston and the Neighbourhood Policing Team for their work in Outer East Leeds.
RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.
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