Agenda item

Exclusions, Elective Home Education and Off-rolling

To receive a report from the Director of Children and Families on the latest position regarding Exclusions, Elective Home Education and Off-rolling.


The report of the Director of Children and Families provided the latest position in Leeds regarding Exclusions, Elective Home Education and Off-rolling. This information had been presented to Executive Board in September. Further to a recent article by ‘Tes’ linked to a leaked internal report from the GORSE Academy Trust, this was circulated to Board Members for information with the agreement of the Chair. Board Members were of the view that this information should be considered as part of this agenda item.


In attendance for this item were:

·  Councillor Jonathan Pryor – Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment;

·  Councillor Salma Arif –Deputy Executive Member;

·  Steve Walker – Director of Children and Families;

·  Phil Mellen – Deputy Director for Learning.

·  Steve Walker – Director of Children and Families;

·  Sue Rumbold – Chief Officer for Partnerships and Health.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  The information contained within the submitted report had been presented at Executive Board during its meeting on 18th September;

·  It was noted that the Council had previously approached the GORSE Academy Trust (February 2019) in relation to practices which now appear to be referenced in the leaked internal report from the GORSE Academy Trust, dated November 2016, in terms of the Trust’s Progress 8 Modelling. These concerns had also been shared with the Regional Schools Commissioner;

·  It had been noted that there had been an increase in the numbers of parents choosing to Elective Home Educate. Whilst acknowledging that this can be a positive choice for some families, there were concerns that in some cases parents were feeling pressured by schools to home educate their children in order to avoid them having a permanent exclusion on their personal record;

·  Leeds City Council supports the Area Inclusion Partnerships and recognises the importance of pupils remaining in school.

·  There have been no reductions to fixed term exclusions and concerns had been raised that the length of fixed term exclusions was becoming longer;

·  Particular concern had been raised in relation to pupils that had been removed prior to examinations in year 11. This practice was not deemed to be in the interest of the child and more likely to be linked to a schools performance outcome;

·  The legalities surrounding exclusions and elective home education were provided to the Board. Members also received clarification on parental approval and managed moves;


Board Members discussions included:

·  The benefits of alternative provision for those pupils who are struggling within a mainstream school, which can either be a temporary intervention or a longer term solution;

·  The role of the Council to challenge data and address any concerns including advising the Secretary of State or Ofsted of the concerns;

·  The importance of positive discipline;

·  Enriched curriculum to encourage good behaviour;

·  The need for good communication between the Council and all schools including academies and to engage with the Area Inclusion Partnerships;

·  Consistency in approach of exclusions with training and support  provided to head teachers, teachers and governors;

·  Support and advice to be provided to parents on behaviour policy and exclusions.


The Board proposed undertaking further scrutiny into this issue and requested that draft terms of reference for an inquiry be brought back to the Board’s next meeting for consideration. 



(a)  That the content of the report be noted;

(b)  That draft terms of reference for the Board’s forthcoming inquiry into Exclusions, Elective Home Education and Off-rolling be brought to the Board’s next meeting for consideration.



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