To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which presents for the Board’s approval the Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds, entitled, ‘Thriving’. In addition, the report provides an overview of the range of ongoing work being undertaken across the city aimed at mitigating the impact of poverty for children and young people.
The Director of Children and Families submitted a report presenting for the purposes of approval the Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds, entitled, ‘Thriving’. In addition, the report provided an overview of the range of ongoing work being undertaken across the city aimed at mitigating the impact of poverty for children and young people.
By way of introduction to the report, Members received a detailed introduction to the range of initiatives being undertaken in this area, with a proposal that further reports would be submitted in due course providing an update on the progress being made.
Members commended the work of the ‘A Different Take’ Leeds Panel comprising young people, young adults and parents, specifically with respect to the production of their ‘More Snakes than Ladders’ report.
In response to an enquiry, it was proposed and agreed that update reports would be submitted to the Board on a quarterly basis providing quantifiable information on the progress being made by the work streams undertaken as part of the strategy, with it being noted that some of the data, by its very nature, would only be available on a periodic basis.
Responding to a comment regarding the timeframes associated with the implementation of some initiatives, emphasis was placed upon the importance of ensuring that such schemes were sustainable and fully met the needs of the community. Providing further response, it was acknowledged that although academic data was sought in some instances when establishing initiatives to ensure an evidence based approach, it was highlighted that the delivery of such initiatives was also informed by those living in poverty.
A Member’s comment regarding the need for local Ward Councillors to be kept informed of the related activities taking place in their respective areas was acknowledged, with an undertaking that greater communication with Ward Members would take place in future.
Emphasis was also placed upon the need for the correct balance to be found between a quantitative and qualitative approach, with the ability to be able to provide overarching citywide data on the progress being made, whilst at the same time still maintaining the ability for initiatives to be delivered in a child focussed and localised way.
The importance of striking the correct balance was further highlighted, as it was seen as key to successfully delivering schemes, when tackling hunger for example, by providing food to those young people who needed it without any of the associated stigma, whilst at the same time also looking to provide them with an opportunity to have fun and improve their wider wellbeing.
(a) That the Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds (2019-2022) entitled, ‘Thriving’, as appended to the covering report, be approved;
(b) That the strategic framework which is in place to tackle child poverty, together with the work being undertaken by the Council and its partners in the key areas of activity, be noted;
(c) That it be noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of the strategy is the Chief Officer, Partnerships and Health by December 2022.
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