Agenda item




The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests Members consideration on an application to demolition of existing dwelling and construction of four dwellings at Greystones Park Road, Colton, Leeds LS15 9AJ


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for the demolition of existing dwelling and construction of four dwellings, at Greystones, Park Road, Colton.


Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day. Photographs and slides were shown throughout the presentation.


The application was brought to Plans Panel as the proposal is within a prominent and sensitive site within Colton Conservation Area and had generated a significant amount of representations in the local community.


The proposal was for the demolition of an existing bungalow and construction of four dwellings. The bungalow has been demolished since the original submission along with timber outbuildings.


Members were informed of the following key points:

·  The proposal is for four two storey dwellings, two fronting on to Meynell Road these would be linked by garages have four bedrooms, and two detached dwellings fronting onto Park Road;

·  The houses would be constructed of brick with slate roofs, and timber window;

·  The houses fronting onto Park Road would share one access point whilst the houses fronting onto Meynell Road would have their own vehicle and pedestrian access;

·  A minimum of two open parking spaces are proposed for each dwelling in addition to the garages that are proposed for three of the four dwellings;

·  The proposal also sets out an extension of the footpath on Meynell Road;

·  The layout shows the retention of the majority of existing trees and hedges, and includes details of how construction would take place to provide retaining walls close to tree root systems. A slide was shown during the presentation which showed the Panel how the tree roots were to be protected;

·  The area is designated as part of the Colton Conservation Area. Beyond the Park Road Farm Buildings which are grade II listed to the South are open agricultural fields;

·  The site shares it boundary with Holly Tree Cottage which is grade II listed;

·  The application has received a number of objections these were set out at point 6.1 and 6.2 of the submitted report. It was noted that most of the objections received related to there being too many dwellings proposed, concerns had also been raised that the demolition of the bungalow had taken place too soon and that this could set a precedent;

·  2 further objections had been received since the publication of the report. These objections were read out to the Panel as follows:

o  Parking provision insufficient and will result in on street parking

o  Park Hill / Meynell Road dangerous junction and this will make it worse

o  Reducing scheme by one and increasing parking will help

o  Local residents concerns have not been addressed

o  Demolition of bungalow sets dangerous precedent

o  Wrong to demolish without appropriate permission

o  Impact on amenity

o  Drainage insufficient and surface water run-off

·  The proposals meet the requirements of adequate separation between the proposed properties and those of neighbouring properties. Some relocation of the dwellings has taken place so that the dwellings are located further into the site but still able to maintain garden size.


Local residents attended the meeting and informed the Panel of the following:

·  The Greystones site is within a conservation area with an elevated position which in their view would tower over the neighbouring properties;

·  4 properties is pushing the limits of the site’s capacity;

·  Building would take place right up to the root protection area especially to the rear of the site where there is a hedge which may need to be removed to allow the building work to place;

·  Consultee comments have continually repeated that this site is being overdeveloped and could only fit 2 or 3 appropriately sized dwellings;

·  Overdevelopment of the site would cause problems of overshadowing, lack of privacy, increased traffic and highway safety issues;

·  Highway concerns in relation to visibility splays, however the concerns were reduced due to the road now being in a 20 mph zone;

·  Highway safety, Meynell Road and Park Road are no through roads but, Meynell Road is a thoroughfare for residential housing, Colton Chapel and Institute and horse riders. Park Road is used by residential houses, stable workers and riders, visitors and farm workers of the Temple Newsam Estate. The junction of Meynell Road and Park Hill is dangerous as cars are often parked close to the junction especially if there are events at the chapel;

·  The front door of Holly Tree Cottage opens on to Meynell Road.


The speaker in support of the application informed the Members of the following:

·  The site had approval in principle for residential use on this site with a minimum of four to five units;

·  The applicant has responded to all the comments from consultees and others who had provided comments;

·  The scheme presented at the meeting had been revised numerous times and meets with highways requirements and has adequate parking, the garden space exceeds the space standards set out in the planning guidance. Aspect standards also exceed the design guidance;

·  The height has been reduced the height of the proposed dwellings so that they are traditional standard two storey buildings. Reduced the scale as much as possible in reducing floor to floor so that the proposed dwellings sit in context with the listed buildings and neighbouring properties;

·  Explained that the blue line shown on the plan it not the extent of the dropped levels it was the extent of the root protection area. The root protection area follows the line of the retained wall which will be constructed with a ‘sheet pile’ construction so that there is no damage to the roots;

·  Properties on Park Road which abut the hedge with the site to be kept at existing level;

·  The developers said that they had worked closely with the officers to amend this scheme and were now of the view that this plan now achieved a good development that will fit in well with its setting.


Members wanted assurance that the development would be as sustainable and energy efficient as possible. The Chair encouraged the developer to sign up to EN1 and EN2, it was noted that the developer was not obliged to sign up to these polices as this was a minor development.


Members requested the following:

·  If hedges were damaged they should be replaced.

·  Hard surfaces should be porous.

·  Charging points installed

·  A water butt provided to each property in relation to drainage and excessive run-off


Responding to Members questions the Panel were formed of the following:

·  The bungalow was removed by a proper contractor if there were any contaminants they would have been removed securely. Officers advised the Members that soil samples could be taken to ensure that there were no contaminants left on the site before work commenced;

·  Three small trees which have self-seeded will be removed from the site. Trees and hedges to the boundary will be retained. It is also the plan that landscaping would form part of the development. Trees of a set size would be protected by the developer;

·  House sizes are compliant with standards policy;

·  Access points are acceptable and levels of parking are generous with no concerns raised by Highways;

·  The footway extension on Meynell Road would improve access visibility and suitable dropped crossings would be provided;

·  Two more developments are forthcoming further down Park Road on a Council owned site;

·  Solar panels would be considered by the developer;


RESOLVED – To grant permission as set out in the submitted report with the following additional conditions:

·  Water butts to be installed at each property in relation to drainage and excessive run-off;

·  Porous surfaces to be used on driveways;

·  Rear boundary hedges to be protected and retained and boundary treatments to rear gardens to be hedges.








Supporting documents: