Agenda item

Inner East - Update Report

To receive the report of the Head of Stronger Communities which brings to Members attention an update of the work which the Communities Team is engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provides an opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


(Report attached)



The Head of Stronger Communities submitted a report which provided an update on some of the key activities between Community Committee meetings and functions delegated to Community Committees, Community Champions roles, community engagement, partnership and locality working.


Appended to the report was the Facebook Activity at Appendix 1.


The Localities Officer introduced the report and highlighted the following:

·  Children and Families Sub Group. A suggestion was made that an invitation be sent to enable younger people to attend future sub groups.

·  Inner East Youth Summit.

·  Community Safety and Environment Sub Group. A workshop that focused on the Parks and Greenspace Strategy would be implemented into the CC’s Forward Plan.

·  NHS Employability Programme. 29 residents had been given conditional officers for entry level jobs. Of those 29, 7 people had been from priority neighbourhoods.

·  Facebook engagement. The page had received 44 new followers, bringing the total following amount to 1,005.


Members were invited to determine an appointment for the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Leeds East Local Action Group.


In addition, and following the CC meeting held on 19th June 2019, Members considered the following appointments to the Local Care Partnerships (LCP):

Ø  Burmantofts and Richmond Hill and Harehills LCP

Ø  Seacroft LCP


Inspector Preston was in attendance, and provided the Committee with an overview of the police activity within each ward in regard to ASB, and the measures in place to tackle those going forward.


The following matters were discussed:

·  Trembler alarms. The Localities Officer explained that further work needed to be actioned around the costings of the alarms, and a figure would be provided to Members via email in due course. A decision would be brought before Members at the next CC meeting.

·  Harehills Lane street drinking. Members heard that reporting had still been on the low side, and were minded to encourage constituents to report issues. Several meetings had taken place and there is a PSPO in place; WYP had seized alcohol from street drinkers, and it had been acknowledged that the issue had moved onto Harehills Road once groups were moved on. Work had been undergoing with Forward Leeds.

·  Congregating groups at Seacroft Tesco. Members heard this would be an on-going piece of work

·  Drug and alcohol misuse. A Member requested that information be made available to residents in regard to various group activities and sessions available for recovering alcohol and drug abusers.

·  Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy. A Member requested that a ‘re-fresh’ be provided to residents. The Head of Stronger Communities suggested that the CC be minded to look at their workshops for the new municipal year, and that one of those slots accommodate a more localised sessions for residents to be updated on the strategy.



a)  To note the contents of the report;

b)  To appoint Councillor Grahame to the CLLD Leeds East Local Action Group;

c)  To appoint Councillors A Khan and A Hussain to the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill and Harehills LCP;

d)  To appoint Councillor Jenkins to the Seacroft LCP.


Supporting documents: