To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for alterations to basement level to form a new bay window and two light wells to side and rear.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for alterations to basement level to form a new bay window and two light wells to side and rear at 47 Westover Road, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3PB.
Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
· The application originally included change of use to a 7 bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO). The change of use was then amended to 6 bedroom HMO and planning was not required for this use as it was granted planning permission by a permitted development general consent.
· This application was to determine a new bay window and two light wells to the side and rear at basement level only.
· There had been objections to the application from a Ward Councillor and local residents.
· The property fell within the Bramley Conservation Area.
· All representations with regards to highways and noise disturbance were not for consideration with regard to the application. Members were asked to focus on the proposed subterranean alterations and the potential visual impact and impact on the conservation area.
· There would be lawful residential use of the basement of the property regardless of the application.
· The application had been made to improve future occupants’ residential amenity and was recommended for approval.
A local resident addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application. These included the following:
· Approval would lead to problems with parking and road safety. The road was often used as a short cut.
· The property was situated by the junction which was the only safe place for traffic to pass.
· The road outside the house was an access point for refuse vehicles.
· Increasing the capacity would exacerbate problems already encountered on the highway.
· The street was a quiet family area. A HMO would disrupt the character of the environment and community.
· The Councils Housing Strategy supported sustainable communities and should protect those already in existence.
A local Ward Councillor addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application. These included the following:
· There had been an increase in problems on the highway due to an increase in similar applications under permitted development in the area.
· Highways comments on the planning portal had referred to lack of cycle storage, inadequate bin storage and safety concerns with regards to on street parking.
· There were problems with junction visibility and access for wheelchair users.
· A similar case in Alwoodley had been supported for refusal by the Planning Inspector.
In response to questions, objectors felt that the proposal did not contribute towards a sustainable development approach and that a transient community would not enhance the area.
The applicant’s representative addressed the meeting. He informed the Panel that the purpose of the light wells was to introduce light to the basement of the property and that matters relating to parking were not relevant in relation to this application. The light wells would be behind the boundary wall and would only have a small visual impact on the street scene.
In response to questions it was the applicant’s representative reported that the proposals would have a neutral impact on the conservation area as use of the property would be similar to its previous use as a five bedroom property. It was not known if the room sizes met minimum space standards but these did not apply to HMOs.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· Had the HMO element not being allowed under permitted development, there would have been a recommendation from Highways for cycle storage and three parking spaces.
· It was considered that there was sufficient space for bin storage.
· There was no means of controlling the use of the basement and it could be used as a habitable space.
· With regard to whether the light wells would provide a sufficient amount of light to the basement, it was reported that a planning judgement had been made based on plans and site visits.
· Further to comments regarding the similar application in Alwoodley, it was reported that there were significant differences between the applications as that included an extension to the property and it was not comparable and should not be taken into account with regard to this application.
· Concern that granting the application would lead to problems relating to the highways and parking.
· Concerns with regards to size standards and quality of the accommodation.
· Concerns regarding the use of a basement for living and potential problems with damp and poor ventilation. It was reported that this would be regulated by building regulations.
A motion was made to approve the application in accordance with the officer recommendation. Prior to the vote being concluded an amended motion was made which was accepted by the persons who moved and seconded the original motion, that the application be deferred to allow Members to visit the site.
RESOLVED – That the application be deferred to allow Members to visit the site.
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