Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for Rawdon Moustache 7-9 Harrogate Road, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 7BP

To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) that advises Members of an application for a new premises licence in respect of the above mentioned premises.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory presented an application for the grant of a premises licence at Rawdon Moustache, 7-9 Harrogate Road, Rawdon Leeds.


The application was for the following:


·  Recorded music and sale of alcohol:

Sunday to Thursday 14:00 to 22:00

Friday and Saturday 13:00 to 23:00


The following were in attendance:


-  Mr C Churm – Rawdon Moustache

-  Mr G Holmes – Rawdon Moustache

-  Mr M McConaghy – Local resident


The applicants addressed the sub-committee.  The following was highlighted:


·  There would not be any amplified music or sports on TV.  Only background music.

·  There would be no music or bottles and glasses to be taken outside.

·  The kitchen would be to the rear of the premises.  Extraction equipment would be installed.

·  Main business would be provision of Sunday dinners between 12:00 and 14:00 when it was hoped to provide about 40 meals.  It was anticipated that there would be the provision of 6 covers and hour during the day.

·  Works on the premises would not commence without the grant of a licence and would cost around £20,000.

·  The premises were currently empty and were located in the middle of a shopping parade.

·  There were no objections from West Yorkshire Police or Environmental Health. 

·  The applicant understood the concerns of local residents and there would be no music or seating outside.  All operations were internal to the building.

·  Only locally sourced produce would be used.


A local resident addressed the sub-committee with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  Local residents were concerned about potential for noise disturbance and wanted to protect the character of the area.

·  Other businesses in the area closed earlier in the day and did not open on Sundays.

·  Other licensed premises had restricted hours and conditions that sale of alcohol was ancillary to food.

·  Reference to another licensed premises in the area that had a later licence. These were smaller premises and did not affect residential properties.

·  Concern that there were residential properties on the upper floors of the shopping parade and this would cause disturbance for residents.

·  The premises were located in a quiet residential area.

·  Details of other applications in the area that had been refused.

·  Concern that if this was granted that there may be a future change of use to a public house.


In summary, the applicant reported that the hours applied for were reasonable and that there would not be any noise pollution from the premises.


In response to questions from the sub-committee, the following was discussed:


·  The premises had previously been used as a bank and a copy shop and had been vacant for 5 months.

·  The applicant had previously had an application refused elsewhere in the area.

·   Local residents would be happy to for the premises to have a license for a food led premises that opened until 20:00.

·  There would be a maximum of 9 tables in the premises.

·  There would not be any outside seating areas.

·  The applicant would consider having a condition that sales of alcohol were ancillary to sales of food.


Following an adjournment, the hearing was reconvened.  Further discussion was held regarding proposed hours for licensable activities and possible conditions that could be attached to any license.


The sub-committee adjourned to consider the report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory; the representations submitted and presented at the hearing along with the Statement of Licensing Policy.


RESOLVED – That the application be granted as follows:


Sale of alcohol (to accompany sale of food):


Sunday to Thursday: 14:00 to 22:00

Friday and Saturday: 13:00 to 22:00


Opening times


Sunday to Thursday: 14:00 to 22:30

Friday and Saturday: 13:00 to 22:30



Supporting documents: