To consider the report of the Leeds People’s Voices Group that provides an update on the work of the group, overview of key initiatives and some of our longer-term ambitions about how we collectively and individually want to put people’s voices at the centre of health and care decision making.
The Leeds People’s Voices Group submitted a report that provided an update on the work of the group, overview of key initiatives and some of our longer -term ambitions about how we collectively and individually want to put people’s voices at the centre of health and care decision making.
The following was appended to the report:
- The Big Leeds Chat - Emerging Findings
- ‘How does it feel for me?’ Joyce / November 2019
The following were in attendance:
- Hannah Davies, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Leeds
- Adrian Winterburn, Health Partnerships Team
- Iona Lyons, Voluntary Action Leeds
The Chief Executive of Healthwatch Leeds introduced the report, noting the ambition for the People’s Voices Group (PVG) to put ‘People at the centre of health and care decision making’. Members were also provided with an update on the emerging findings of the Big Leeds Chat, which took place in November 2019, an update on the work of the ‘How does it feel for me?’ Group and establishment of an Inclusion for All Group. Members were also shown a video of the Big Leeds Chat 2019, along with a ‘how does it feel for me?’ video with Kari from Belle Isle.
Members discussed a number of matters, including:
· Transport and connectivity. In recognising the key priority of transport, as identified within the Big Leeds Chat emerging findings, Dr John Beal advised Members that a recent Healthwatch consultation into the NHS Long Term Plan found that reliable, affordable and well routed transport was the top issue identified by respondents. Tony Cooke, Chief Officer for Health Partnerships noted the Board’s role in improving skills and social mobility to enable people to be well connected to their communities.
· Evidence of outcomes. Members noted the importance of being in a position to present clear and practical changes that have been made as a result of the conversations at the Big Leeds Chat, before the next annual series of events are held. Members also highlighted the importance of analysing the specifics of what people have said and a mechanism to feed this back to the appropriate organisations to address.
· Beginning meeting’s with a patient experience story. Members noted that the ‘how does it feel for me?’ video played at the beginning of the item was a powerful way of providing context to health and care service decision making.
· Involvement and engagement principles. The Chair suggested that involvement and engagement principles be developed for all Members to sign up to. The Director of Adults and Health agreed to develop a set of principles with the Chief Executive for Healthwatch Leeds for the health and care system. This would use learning from organisations including Children & Families around co-production and how we support people to engage recognising the additional pressure it places on them..
a) To note the progress of and continue to support the work of the People’s Voices Group.
b) To note the Board’s comments in relation to how the People’s Voices Group can further evolve strengthening its connection with the HWB;
c) To note the findings of the Big Leeds Chat 2019 and agree actions to respond to what people have told us;
d) To continue to support the work of the ‘How does it feel for me?’ Group and discuss the opportunities;
e) To support the establishment of the Inclusion for All Action Group.
Alison Lowe arrived at the meeting at 14:45 p.m. during discussion of this item.
Supporting documents: