Agenda item

Outer East Community Committee Finance Report

To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget.


Carl Hinchliffe, Senior Localities Officer presented the report.


·  There was a total of £12,960.54 remaining in the Wellbeing Revenue Budget for 2019/20.  Availability of funds for each Ward was reported.

·  Projects for consideration:

o  VE/VJ Commemorations – Members were informed of proposals for events within the Temple Newsam Ward.  £500 was requested from each ward from the 2020/21 Wellbeing Budget.

o  Outer East Activity Programme – the proposed events had been recommended by the Children & Families Sub-Group and were spread across the Outer East Area. £800 was requested from each ward from the 2020/21 Youth Activities Fund budget.

o  Mini Breeze Event – This would be held in Garforth and was always a well attended event.  £3,600 was requested from Garforth & Swillington 2020/21 Youth Activities Fund Budget.

o  Tribe Youth Group (Seniors Community Project) – This had been a previously successful project and had won a Child Friendly Award.  £5,600 was requested from Cross Gates & Whinmoor 2020/21 Youth Activities Fund.

o  Youth Service – Cross Gates & Whinmoor, Temple Newsam – Members praised the work of the Youth Service and positive engagement with Young People.  £19,540 was requested from Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam 2020/21 Wellbeing Budget.

o  ACamps Summer Camps – These camps also gave opportunity for young people to access other sports and activities with links to local clubs.  Thanks were expressed to Helen ???? of the Garforth Cluster.  £4,150 requested from Garforth & Swillington 2020/21 Youth Activities Fund.

o  Youth Service – Garforth & Swillington, Kippax & Methley – Young people had been involved in choosing school holiday activities.  £14,533 requested from Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley 2020/21 Youth Activity Funds.

o  Rhinos Summer Camps – The amount requested was lower than last year although there was an increase in the amount for attendees to pay.  There was discount for vulnerable families.  £8,000 was requested to be split from all wards 2020/21 Wellbeing Budget.

o  Dance Fever Academy Bootcamps – This was supported by the Youth Service - £7,766 was requested from Temple Newsam 2020/21 Youth Activities Funds.

o  TNCP School Holiday Activity Programme – This was supported by Temple Newsam Members - £9,556 requested from Temple Newsam 2020/21 Youth Activities Fund.

o  Found Fiction – This project was supported by the Youth Service - £1,000 was requested from the Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Kippax & Methley Youth Activities Funds.

o  Breeze Holiday Camps - £1,700 requested from Kippax & Methley and Garforth and Swillington 2020/21 Youth Activity Funds.

o  Drugs: The Truth – Detail of funding from elsewhere was requested - £10,000 requested to be divided from all four wards 2020/21 Wellbeing Budget.

o  Money Buddies – Saleem Shafi of Money Buddies addressed the meeting.  Issues discussed including the possibility of providing home visits, alterative locations in Outer East Leeds and future funding arrangements - £6,910 requested from Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam 2020/21 Wellbeing Funds.

o  Additional Area Resource for the Outer East Area - this request from Parks & Countryside would provide additional, grass cutting, litter picking and pruning across parks in Outer East Leeds and was supported by Garforth & Swillington Ward Members - £13,807.15 requested from Garforth & Swillington 020/21 Wellbeing Funds.

o  Grit Bin Refills – 2020/21 Wellbeing Funds:

-  Cross Gates & Whinmoor - £322.48

-  Kippax & Methley - £1064.04

-  Garforth & Swilington - £322.48

-  Temple Newsam - £483.72

o  Period Poverty - £500 requested from Garforth & Swillington 2020/21 Wellbeing Funds

o  Kippax Baths Fencing - £6,065 requested from 2019/20 Capital Budget

o  4 x SIDs in the Garforth & Swillington Ward - £14,000 requested from 2019/20 CIL Budget

o  Leeds LGBT+ Sport Fringe Festival 2020 - £500 was requested from each Ward.  This project was not supported by Garforth & Swillington Ward Members.

·  William Parking Bridge Plaques – These had been funded from MICE Money.

·  Members’ attention was brought to remaining budgets for Small Grants, Skips, Capital Budget and CIL Budget.




(1)  That details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted.

(2)  That the following projects be approved:

o  VE/VJ Day Celebrations - £500 per ward

o  Outer East Activity Programme - £800 per ward

o  Mini Breeze Event - £3,600 Garforth & Swillington Ward

o  The Tribe Youth Group (Seniors) Community Project - £5,600 Cross Gates & Whinmoor Ward

o  Youth Service – Cross Gates & Whinmoor, Temple Newsam - £19540 from Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Wards.

o  ACamps Summer Camps - £4,150 from Garforth & Swillington Ward

o  Youth Service – Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley - £14,533 from Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley Wards

o  Rhinos Summer Camps - £2,000 per ward

o  Dance Fever Academy Boot Camps - £3,750 from Temple Newsam Ward

o  TNCP School Holiday Activity Programme - £9,556 from Temple Newsam Ward

o  Found Fiction - £1000 from Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Kippax & Methley Wards

o  Breeze Holiday Camps - £1,700 from Kippax & Methley and Garforth & Swillington Wards

o  Drugs: The Truth - £2,500 per ward

o  Leeds Money Buddies - £6,910 from Cross Gates & Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Wards

o  Additional Area Resource for Outer East Leeds - £13,807.15 from Garforth & Swillington Ward

o  Grit Bin Refills:

-  Cross Gates & Whinmoor - £322.48

-  Kippax & Methley - £1,064.04

-  Garforth & Swillington - £322.48

-  Temple Newsam - £483.72

o  Period Poverty - £500 from Garforth & Swillington Ward

o  Kippax Baths Fencing - £6,065 from Kippax & Methley Ward

o  4 x SIDs in Garforth & Swillington Ward - £14,000 from Garforth & Swillington Ward

(3)  That monitoring information of funded projects be noted.

(4)  That details of the Youth Activities Fund be noted.

(5)  That details of the Small Grant Budget be noted.

(6)  That details of the Community Skips Budget be noted.

(7)  That details of the Capital Budget be noted.

(8)  That details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget be noted.



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