Agenda item

Application No. 18/07433/FU - Erection of 437 dwellings with new roads, open space, landscaping, drainage and associated works at Radial Park, Manston Lane, Leeds, LS15 8ST

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application for the erection of 437 dwellings with new roads, open space, landscaping, drainage and associated works at Radial Park, Manston Lane, Leeds, LS15 8ST.



(Report attached)


With reference to the meeting of 6th January 2020 and the decision to defer consideration to allow further discussions/negotiations with the applicant concerning: Alternative design solutions of the house types; an increase in the provision of photovoltaic cells or adaptability of properties to incorporate cells at a later point, accessible housing provision, unresolved highway issues, incorporation of additional elements linking the development to its former use (and heritage significance of the same).


The Chief Planning Officer now submitted a report indicating that the scheme had been subsequently revised and overall the proposal was in accordance with the Development Plan.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Planning Officers addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  Site/ location/context

·  Masterplan

·  Provision of accessible housing

·  Design and Character/ Heritage

·  Sustainability – Provision of solar panels

·  The development was in accordance with Strategic Policies SP1 and H1 of the Development Plan and HG2 of the SAP

·  Provision of a commuted sum towards off-site playing pitch provision


The Planning Case Officer reported the receipt of one additional representation received after publication of the agenda. The representation raised no new issues and those matters raised were covered in paragraphs 1.4 and 1.8 of the submitted report or earlier reports.


Members raised the following questions to officers/ applicant’s representatives


·  The roofscape appeared to be very bland, could further consideration be given to make the roofscape more interesting, consider the inclusion of chimneys

·  Would there be sufficient electrical supply capacity for adding solar panels in the future


In responding to the issues raised, Planning Officers/ the applicant’s representative’s said:


·  The Planning Officer noted that there was already variety across the site with the inclusion of different roofscapes and levels.

·  The architect confirmed that one of the house types from the Strata Development contained chimneys and two house types from the Redrow Development also contained chimneys but further design of the roofscape could be negotiated if deemed necessary

·  Members were informed that solar panels could be included as an optional extra and there is sufficient electrical capacity to enable this but it was understood that not all occupiers considered solar panels were a benefit


In offering comments Members raised the following matters:


  • The majority of Members welcomed the application suggesting the scheme was much improved and merits approval but could further refinements be made to the house types and the roofscape in consultation with Ward Members
  • Members welcomed the inclusion of some accessible housing units
  • Members accepted the viability position on the affordable housing provision
  • The retention of the Barnbow Social Club was important to the community, but the additions made to reflect the heritage importance of the site was acknowledged and appreciated


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation, commenting that Members appeared to be supportive of the development




(i)  That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to a satisfactory Road Safety Audit (Stage 1), final resolution of off-site highway mitigation works, the resolution of replacement playing pitch provision, potential further refinements to some house types and the roofscape (in consultation with Ward Members) the completion of a Section 106 Agreement and subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report. The Section 106 Agreement to secure the following obligations:


·  Provision of affordable housing at 7.5%;

·  Commuted sum for replacement sports pitch provision;

·  Provision of bus stops;

·  Off-site highway works;

·  Travel Plan and monitoring provisions;

·  Local employment and skills initiative;

·  Provision of Public Open Space;

·  Commuted sum related to attenuation management; and

  Community infrastructure payment.


(ii)  In the event of the Section 106 Agreement having not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer


Supporting documents: