To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a pre application proposal for conversion and extension of existing building to student housing and educational facilities at Brotherton House, Westgate, Leeds, LS1 2RS.
(Report attached)
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of a
pre-application proposal for conversion and extension of existing building to student housing and educational facilities at Brotherton House, Westgate, Leeds, LS1 2RS.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting. Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:
· Site / location / context
· Refurbishment/ conversion of the vacant Brotherton House and the construction of a new 15 storey block for 102 purpose built student housing flats (Providing 350 bedspaces)
· The accommodation would be across both the existing building and the proposed new building; 56 studio flats and 46 cluster flats
· The new block to include communal areas, educational use including lecture theatre and teaching rooms over three lower floors
· External works to existing building including refurbishment of the windows, glazed link connecting the two buildings at ground floor level
· Retention of historic features
· The material for the new building would include white concrete tiles/ panels with clearly defined base, middle and top. Dark bronze window frames would be set within a 200m deep reveal window. The eastern and western gables would feature a projecting bay of windows framed with dark bronze coloured metal
· Amenity through the building/ public realm/ landscaping
· External roof terraces
· Two disabled car parking spaces, electric vehicle charging points provided on site
· Pick up and drop off, refuse servicing and cycle parking would be from Grace Street/ St Paul’s Street and manged by the applicant
· Building to achieve 20% better than the carbon emission target in the 2013 Part L Building Regulations and a minimum of 10% energy generation would be developed through renewable energy sources
Members raised the following questions:
· Members requested if the glazed link connecting the two buildings could be raised to first floor level
· Given the proximity of the Westgate tunnel, was air quality an issue in this area
· What was the approach to the boundary treatment and soft landscaping generally
· Would green walls be incorporated within the development
· The new building was very dominant compared with neighbouring buildings. Was the site in a location identified for tall buildings in the Council’s tall building guide
· Can the new building be moved onto the adjacent council land to provide greater separation
· The inclusion of some affordable units as part of the student accommodation proposed would be welcome
· Is the proposed educational use independent or linked to the student use
In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:
· The architect said that the Leeds Civic Trust had also raised issue with the glass link being included in the position proposed, but the preference was to retain the glass link in its current position to as to ensure a single point of entry at ground floor level.
· The architect suggested that there were many areas on the site where greenery: grass, trees and hedges could be planted to mitigate air quality and provide an enhanced green boundary treatment
· The architect said that at this stage green walls were an aspiration but due consideration to their inclusion would be given
· The City Centre Team Leader stated that the site was located in an identified preferred location for a tall buildings.
· The LCC Design Officer suggested that more consideration should be given to the views of the southern aspect of the development and images of viewpoints could be provided to Members when the application returns to Panel, but it was positive that original materials were being retained and the existing design proposed could be finessed from its early iterations within the parameters of the tall buildings’ design guidance
· The architect stated that a number of TPO trees would be affected if the new building was moved on to the Council owned land
· The City Centre Team Leader said currently there was no LCC Policy for developments comprising student accommodation to incorporate affordable units
· The educational space could be used flexibly both by students within the development (such as for study space) and / or let out to universities and other training providers
In offering comments Members raised the following issues:
· The majority of Members welcomed the development, suggesting Brotherton House had stood empty for many years and it would be nice to see it being brought back into use
· Could the building be designed to take into account night time safety, including the use of active frontages and mitigate against dark or isolated areas.
· Could further consideration be given to the southern aspect of the new building and the new building needs to be shown in the wider context of existing and emerging tall buildings in this area
In offering comments on the officers’ questions in the report:
· Members were of the view that the principle of purpose-built student housing with educational use was acceptable at this site
· Members were supportive of the emerging layout and scale of the proposed building, however, further reconsideration of the appearance of the new building in relation to neighbouring buildings was required
· Members expressed the view that the proposed amenity and housing quality was likely to be broadly acceptable for this site
· Subject to the satisfactory resolution of detailed technical matters, Members were of the view that little or no car parking, the servicing provision and accessibility at the site to be acceptable, subject to acceptable pick-up and drop-off arrangements being made (both for taxis and at the start / beginning of academic terms)
· Could the building be designed to take into account night time safety, including the use of active frontages and mitigate against dark or isolated areas.
The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation suggesting that Members appeared to be generally supportive of the development.
(i) To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation
(ii) That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation
Supporting documents: