To consider the report of the Director of Public Health providing an update on the actions of the Leeds Health and Social Care system and Leeds City Council, working with broader partners, in response to the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Leeds.
(Report to follow)
Further to Note No. 9 of the consultative meeting of the Executive held on 18th March 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report providing an update on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) work within the city’s health and social care system, undertaken across all Council services and with a broad range of partners to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the city. The report noted that Leeds’ response was set within the national context, Government guidance, the resilience and health resilience arrangements at a West Yorkshire level, and the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements.
With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 15.1 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 156.
Members welcomed the comprehensive report submitted and in introducing the report the Leader of Council conveyed her thanks on behalf of the Board to all Council employees and to all of partners across West Yorkshire for their continued efforts and the co-ordinated approach being taken to continue to safeguard and serve communities during these unprecedented times. The Leader also provided a detailed summary of actions being taken across all Council directorates in response to the challenges faced.
On behalf of the Board, the Chair also extended her condolences to all those across the city who had lost loved ones as a result of the pandemic, highlighting the recent death of former Leeds United footballer, Norman Hunter, who she emphasised had made an enormous contribution to the club and the city over many years, with it being noted that arrangements would be made at the appropriate time to mark his sad passing and to provide an opportunity to say thank you.
In addition, the Board also received a specific update from the Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults regarding the critical work being undertaken by health and care partners across the city and also from the Executive Member for Resources on the current position regarding the financial implications for the Council arising from the pandemic, with it being undertaken that Board Members would be kept informed of such matters.
The Board also received an update from the Chief Executive regarding the planning that continued to be undertaken with regard to the response and recovery phase and the challenges which would be faced as such planning developed.
The vital role being played by Local Government during this period was emphasised, with the recognition that had been received from national Government being highlighted. Further to this, it was hoped that the key role which was undertaken by Local Government would continue to be acknowledged at a national level moving forward.
In considering the report, Members highlighted how the use of well-established partnerships, such as the Health and Wellbeing Board, relationships with the business and voluntary sectors, together with infrastructure such as Neighbourhood Networks was all proving crucial in helping to continue to serve communities, especially those most vulnerable, such as those individuals which were being ‘shielded’.
Members also received updated information for Leeds regarding the number of Coronavirus cases and also the number of hospital deaths caused by Coronavirus. In addition, the Board also received information, via death registration data, on the number of deaths both inside and outside of a hospital setting which had been registered as being COVID-19 related. In response to the data received, Members emphasised the importance of a consistency of approach being taken with respect to the data being compiled, with further information on the progress being made on a regional and national basis being provided. An update regarding the testing of patients in a care setting was also provided.
Members also placed emphasis upon the importance for the city to continue to follow the Government guidance in order to continue to protect the NHS and safeguard people and emphasised their appreciation for the vital role being played by the public in following the guidance to stay at home, with the Board seeking the public’s continued support on this.
In conclusion, the Leader asked all Directors to write to their respective teams to thank them for their continued efforts throughout such challenging circumstances.
(a) That the updated national context and local response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the updated Response and Recovery Plan and governance, as detailed within the submitted report and appendices, be agreed;
(c) That the contents of this submitted report be used as context for the consideration of the more detailed report on decision making arrangements during the Coronavirus pandemic, as detailed at Minute No. 162;
(d) That all Directors be requested to write to their respective teams to thank them for their continued efforts throughout such challenging circumstances.
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