Agenda item

Update from Director of City Development

To receive a verbal update from the Director of City Development regarding decision making during the emergency response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the initial stages of the subsequent city recovery plan, as such information relates to the remit of the Board.


To include a transport update from the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation).


The Executive Board report Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Response and Recovery Plan will be circulated for information once published ahead of the Executive Board meeting on 24 June – it is not available at the time of publication of this Board’s agenda.  


The Board received a verbal update from the Director of City Development regarding the decision making during the emergency response to the Covid 19 pandemic and the initial stages of the subsequent City Recovery Plan, as such information related to the remit of the Board.


The Board also received a transport update from the Chief Officer (highways and Transportation.


The Executive Board report Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting.


The following were in attendance for this item:


-  Councillor Lisa Mulherin, Executive Member

-  Councillor Jonathon Pryor, Executive Member

-  Martin Farrington, Director of City Development

-  Gary Bartlett, Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation)

-  Sue Wynne, Chief Officer (Employment and Skills)

-  Eve Roodhouse, Chief Officer (Economic Development


The following was highlighted:


·  Establishment of the cross agency Silver Group to consider infrastructure and supplies across the City.

·  Transport/Traffic – flow of traffic was down on average by 48% although there was now a consistent increase following the re-opening of parts of the economy.  Road traffic accidents had decreased by 40% and those Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) had seen a reduction of 48%. Public transport was now back to around 80% of the normal timetable during the week but capacity was down to 20% of normal levels.  The park and ride sites had been closed with Temple Green Park and Ride site used as an NHS testing facility.  Active travel – work was ongoing with cycle network provision and school street trials.

·  Economy – Over 11,000 business grants had been administered to a total of £142.2 million.  Some businesses that did not meet the grants criteria were entitled for grants from a discretionary fund and it was anticipated there would be capacity for up to a thousand applications.

·  City Centre – Footfall had fallen to 5% of normal during the initial lockdown.  Following the opening up of non-essential retail and markets there had been a rise of up to 50% of normal footfall. There had been information displays and measures placed to encourage social distancing along with the provision of hand sanitisation facilities. There was now a focus on the re-opening of the hospitality sector which would see an increased demand for outdoor seating.

·  Employment & Skills – There had been an increase in Universal Credit claimants from 34,000 in March to 63,000 in May.  88,200 people had been furloughed which was 21.3% of the economically active. 

·  Planning – Decisions had been taken under the Officers Delegation Scheme and remote meetings of Plans Panels had been held.  There had been a decrease in the number of applications normally received.

·  Further transport issues including enhancement of footways to enable social distancing; active travel measures with cycle route improvements; schools street trial scheme; continuation of work on major roadwork schemes.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  There had been contact with Leeds Bradford International Airport regarding the impact on their business.  The airport had been active predominantly with freight and very limited passenger travel.  Long term plans were still unclear with regards to the recovery of the aviation sector.

·  The situation with Park and Ride sites was being constantly reviewed.  Elland Road would be the first to re-open.  Work was to be continued on development of the park and ride site at Stourton.  City Centre parking charges would be reintroduced in July and it was felt that park and ride still provided a suitable alternative for travel into the city.

·  Wearing of masks on public transport was not being enforced by bus drivers.

·  Retail trends – challenges were faced due to social distancing and loss of footfall from the commercial sector within the city.

·  Local ward information on KSI figures was requested.

·  There would be time lapse photography of the removal of Regent Street Bridge.

·  District centres – there had been support via the administration of grants and the provision of a micro business support service.

·  Some concern regarding an increase in KSI figures during week 23.  It was thought that there could be various reasons behind this including increased cyclists and pedestrians combined with an increase in vehicular use.

·  Concern that the Active Travel schemes focussed on the City Centre.  Some places were not as feasible as others but consultation was ongoing for other sites.

·  Planning notices – these weren’t displayed locally in the immediate period following lockdown but the practice had now been re-instated.  There had not been an apparent difference in engagement with the public but this would be investigated in more detail.  The government had changed legislation so that there was no requirement for placement of notices.  Members sought clarification about the way in which the delegated decision process had been used within the Planning service during the initial phase of the pandemic.

·  Air quality – there was information available on the Leeds Data Mill and showed figures of nitrogen dioxide were more than 50% down from the corresponding time last year.

·  It was recognised that there were some difficulties with re-introducing park and ride facilities due to social distancing requirements.  There had been requests for park and cycle/pedestrian sites.

·  Enforcement relating to the Schools Streets scheme.


RESOLVED – That the update and discussion be noted.