Agenda item

Digital Inclusion

To consider an update from the Chief Digital and Information Officer about the digital response of the Council and the city to the COVID-19 pandemic.



The report of the Chief Digital and Information Officer provided an update on the Council’s and the City’s digital response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The report highlights the approach of the joint NHS and LCC Digital and Information Service, through the Smart Leeds, City Digital and 100% Digital Leeds teams working together as one team with partners across Leeds.


The following had been appended to the report:

o  Library Service initiatives (Appendix 1)

o  Dementia Pathfinder (Appendix 2)

o  Digital Health Hub (Appendix 3)

o  Digital Health Champions (Appendix 4)

o  Feedback on grant funding (Appendix 5)

o  Digital Access West Yorkshire (Appendix 6)

o  100% Digital Leeds evaluation and Return on Investment (Appendix 7)


The following were in attendance for this item:

o  Councillor Lewis, Executive Member

o  Dylan Roberts, Chief Digital and Information Officer

o  Stephen Blackburn, Assistant Solution Architect

o  Jason Tutin, Digital and Learning Manager

o  Lucy Jackson, Public Health Consultant

o  Val Hewison, Chief Executive Carers Leeds

o  Sarah Fox, Coproduction Coordinator, Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service


The Chief Digital and Information Officer introduced the report, and raised the following key points:

  • Inequality in impact of the pandemic between the poorest/most excluded groups and the rest;
  • The importance of community based groups, networks, independent, third sector and volunteers in the combined response to different groups in Leeds;
  • How a rapid and new approach to digital technology and literacy has been critical to the continuity of public services – including GPs & the Council - & businesses;
  • How digital literacy and digital technology was critical for many people to access basic services, family, support groups, shopping, to be able to continue to work.


LCC colleagues and partners were invited to address the Board. The following information had been highlighted:


Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

·  The impacts of the iPad lending scheme;

·  Digital champions training;

·  The pandemic exacerbated health inequalities and the black lives matter movement;

·  Therapy sessions conducted online;

·  Language barriers;

·  The benefits of digital inclusion to the most excluded service users.


Carers Leeds

·  The impacts on unpaid carers across the city;

·  Distribution of iPads to the most vulnerable;

·  Built on relationships and supported the use of technology to help empower carers and take control of health and wellbeing;

·  Set up dementia support groups on Zoom;

·  Identified the positives of digital inclusion and wished to take this forward in the future.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:

·  Feedback from service users – challenges had been identified with digital exclusion including the accessibility of equipment, language barriers and wellbeing barriers. There had been some successes with face-to-face contact and phone calls, particularly with young adult carers.

·  Affordability of broadband – The Leeds Full Fibre Programme; Council and health service buildings across Leeds are set to be upgraded to full fibre, to help combat the digital divide experienced in some of the city’s most disadvantage communities. Members noted an update would be provided at a future Board regarding an outline plan for the areas to receive this connectivity. Additionally, tablet lending schemes could be accessed.

·  Mental health inequalities and social exclusion – It had been acknowledged that there wasn’t a 1 size fits all approach and that the ambition for 100% Digital Leeds was that everybody should have the opportunity to take part digitally, without it being an informed choice.


The Chair thanked officers and partners for their contributions, and wished Dylan Roberts well for the future, in his new role.



a)  Endorse the approach that as part of the Council’s ongoing digital response to the sustainability of the City post COVID, the DIS continues to set priorities, direct the work and provide overall governance for Smart Leeds and 100% Digital Leeds, with the DIS also continuing to report progress to this Board. 

b)  The central coordination, convening, connecting and enabling role, across public sector partners and the third sector, of DIS, with the 100% Digital Leeds Team as an integral part of that approach, has been essential during the crisis.  The 100% Digital Leeds team currently sit on the Library Service structure, it is recommended that this integrated approach to digital engagement is sustained and strengthened based on the return on public value and outcomes exemplified in this report and previous reports to this Board. 

c)  Endorse the approach that if external funding comes to an end, (which is unlikely for the next 18 months) it is recommended that this work and teams are considered a priority as part of the budget setting process based on the returns on investment to the community, Council and NHS.  Detailed evaluation and Return on Investment figures for 100% Digital Leeds featured in the previous report to this Board in February 2020.



Supporting documents: