Agenda item

Update from the Director of City Development

To receive a verbal update from the Director of City Development regarding decisions relating to the Covid-19 pandemic response and subsequent city recovery plan, which fall within the remit of the Board.


The Board received a verbal update from the Director of the City Development regarding decision’s relating to the Covid-19 pandemic response and the initial phase of the subsequent recovery plan, as such information related to the remit of the Board.


The Board also received an update from the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) including a specific update on the Commonplace consultation.


The following were in attendance:

o  Councillor James Lewis, Executive Member

o  Martin Farrington, Director of City Development

o  Gary Bartlett, Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation)

o  Sue Wynne, Chief Officer (Employment and Skills)

o  Eve Roodhouse, Chief Officer (Economic Development)


The following had been highlighted:

·  City centre – there had been a significant increase of footfall by 50% of the normal average and implications with the economy remain evident. Recovery on footfall was linked with the reopening of non-essential shops and restaurants. Retail was under stress nationally and in Leeds in terms of closures. 9 Street Marshalls have been introduced in the city centre to manage the reopening of schemes particularly on Greek Street.

·  Discretionary Grants Scheme – the scheme closed 28 June 2020 and 954 applications had been received. Additional resources had been deployed to help with the management of applications, and it was reported that 287 applications had been approved and paid out.

·  Major Grants Scheme – 146 million had been distributed by the Council and a significant amount of work had been undertaken in the business rates team with support from economic services.

·  Transport/Traffic – flow of traffic had increased to 80% of the normal average, with a morning reduction by 40%. Bus provision would increase, and capacity had been increased to 50%. The Temple Green park and ride facility remains a NHS testing facility, whilst discussions are ongoing regarding the reopening of Elland Road.

·  Planning – Plans Panels had resumed remotely. Site / Building Control and Enforcement visits had also resumed.

·  Flood alleviation scheme – 21 million pounds had been secured from DEFRA for the delivery of the second phase of the scheme. Additionally, 1.32 million had been secured to enhance natural flood measures.

·  Connecting Leeds – demolition of bridge closures will continue following reconstruction.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:

·  Retail recovery and district centres – it was recognised there were long term challenges in terms of managing impacts from the pandemic from a social view, and infection rates are being monitored alongside Public Health colleagues. The Council are liaising with big retailers and key account contacts to ensure the transition in resuming to normal activity would be safe. Members were informed local data wasn’t available in terms of closures and spending levels, however information would be followed up on a national basis and provided to the Board.

·  Public Transport – it was recognised that the relationship between footfall and encouraging people into the city centre was key, and challenges had been identified as to how this would be done safely; the current position of the pandemic created an opportunity to plan for recovery and how public transport would facilitate that. It was confirmed that LCC would be working in close conjunction with West Yorkshire Combined Authority regarding the financial investment of bus provision.

·  Discretionary Grants Scheme requests – whilst acknowledging the businesses whom did not qualify for funding, Members were informed of a phase two approach to target businesses that have not been able to secure funds through the existing grants scheme; the areas of the criteria would be explored to ensure businesses are provided with an opportunity to be supported. Members would receive ward level information in terms of pay outs.

·  Emergency active travel fund allocations – projects to be implemented by August and active travel measures have been undertaken by colleagues.

·  Connecting Leeds – the Commonplace consultation is still active. In responding to a question regarding additional schemes particularly in outer areas, Members were informed of details regarding the A65 scheme, Schools Street programme, plans to promote active travel and proposals for cycle parking facilities in order to aid cycling across the city.


The Chair thanked officers for their attendance.



a)  That the update and discussion be noted;

b)  Requested that the information outlined in the minutes, be provided as requested.