To receive and consider an application for the grant of a premises licence made by The Venue Crossgates Limited, for The Venue, First Floor, 12C-12D Austhorpe Road, Cross Gates, Leeds, LS15 8DX.
(Report attached)
The Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) submitted a report that advised Members of an application for the grant of a premises licence made by The Venue Crossgates Limited, for The Venue, First Floor, 12C-12D Austhorpe Road, Cross Gates, Leeds, LS15 8DX.
The Legal Adviser to the Sub Committee explained the procedures to be followed and the Senior Licensing Officer outlined the application.
In summary, the application was for:
Supply of alcohol:
Every day 11:30 - 23:00
Performance of live music:
Every day 13:00 - 22:30
Performance of recorded music:
Every day 10:00 - 23:30
Non-standard timings:
New Year’s Eve until 01:00 hours the following day
The following were in attendance:
- Mr Chris Reading (The Venue Crossgates Ltd), Applicant
- Mrs Claire Reading, Applicant’s representative
- Mr Chris Sanderson, Objector, Leeds City Council’s Planning Department
- Mr Barry Barnes, Objector, local resident
The applicant, Mr Reading, addressed the Sub-Committee and advised that he only intended to hold events three or four times per week, with only one or two per week including the sale of alcohol and a focus on providing event space for local community groups and training sessions. Mr Reading advised that he had applied for a premises licence every day of the week to provide flexibility for customers in choosing which day to hold events. In addition, Mr Reading advised that he only intended to hold 12 live music events per calendar year. Mr Reading noted that the premises would be available to hire for birthday parties and other celebratory events, but only for customers over the age of 21 with the sale of alcohol. For events involving over 45 people, Mr Reading advised that door staff would be positioned outside the front of the premises to supervise dispersal of patrons and that he would also liaise with the local taxi rank, to further reduce the risk of noise and public disorder.
The objector on behalf of Leeds City Council’s Planning Department, Mr Sanderson, addressed the Sub-Committee. Mr Sanderson noted that the planning application, in relation to the change of function of the premises from a gym to a multi-function space with a bar, had been refused on 7th August 2020. Members were advised that the planning application had not included reference to waste management or a smoking area. Mr Sanderson also advised Members that the planning application had received an objection from Leeds City Council’s Environmental Health Team on the basis of noise pollution and disturbance to local residents, despite the independent sound report submitted by the applicant.
The objector and local resident, Mr Barnes, addressed the Sub Committee. Mr Barnes expressed some concerns with the Arcade located to the rear of the premises, particularly in relation to noise and public nuisance and felt that the premises would attract a similar clientele if the premises licence for the sale of alcohol were to be granted every day of the week. Mr Barnes advised the Sub-Committee that he did not feel assured that Mr Reading would only hold events that include the sale of alcohol on a limited number of days per week.
The Chair invited the applicant to respond to the concerns related to noise and disturbance. Mr Reading advised that glass collection cannot take place outside of the hours between 8:30am and 9.30am, an acoustic ceiling had been installed with a master control to limit noise pollution. Members were also advised that additional sets of double glazed windows had been fitted to further minimise any noise. In response to a query, Mr Reading advised the Sub-Committee that an amended planning application would be submitted to address concerns regarding waste management and a smoking area.
The Sub-Committee went into private session to make deliberations. Following a short adjournment, the applicant and his representative were brought back for further questions.
Upon their return, Members asked whether the applicant would be willing to accept a condition to the premises licence that would limit the number of events where alcohol is served to two per week, subject to a private booking which is recorded and stored should relevant authorities wish to review it. In addition, Members asked whether the applicant would be willing to notify West Yorkshire Police of events in excess of 40 people. The applicant confirmed that he would accept the proposed conditions.
The Chair concluded the open session of the hearing before the Sub-Committee went in to private session to make their decision. All parties were informed that the decision would be sent within five working days.
The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered the report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory), the Statement of Licensing Policy and the representations submitted and made at the hearing.
RESOLVED – That the premises licence be granted as applied for, subject to the following conditions:
a) That alcohol may only be served at events that have been booked with the Venue in advance.
b) That alcohol may be not be served on more than two days per week where a week is a seven day period from Sunday to Saturday.
c) That a written record is maintained of bookings of the premises that will include the name, address and contact details of the person making the booking and the reason for and nature of the event taking place. The written record of each booking will be retained by the applicant for not less that twelve months from the date of the event booked.
d) That the record of bookings will be made available to the licensing authority and its employees on request.
e) That the licensed premises will not be used for any event aimed at those aged twenty one and under to include 18th and 21st birthday celebrations, school 6th form celebrations and prom parties.
That the applicant will inform West Yorkshire Police
if more than fifty patrons are expected to attend an event held at
the licensed premises.
Supporting documents: