To receive a report from the Head of Democratic Services presenting details of the Annual Corporate Risk Management Report.
The report of the Head of Democratic Services provided the Board Members with details of the Council’s Annual Corporate Risk Management Report. This annual report provided an update on the Council’s most significant corporate risks and the arrangements both in place and further activity planned during 2020-21 to manage them.
In attendance for this item were:
· Cllr J Lewis – Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Resources
· Tim Rollett - Intelligence & Policy Manager
The Board was informed of the following points:
· The Annual Corporate Risk Report had been presented to both Executive Board in July 2020, and the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee;
· The report focused on the main risks of the Council both internally and externally;
· Members were provided with a brief explanation of risk criteria;
· Some risks had seen an increase due to Covid-19 these were listed as Leeds Economic Growth lag, Council Budget position and there is a specific risk in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic;
· There is a new standard risk on Climate Change and this focuses on how to mitigate climate change;
· The process of risk management is ongoing to identify, assess and report on them.
Responding to a Member’s question the Scrutiny Board were informed that the Council has two risks on finance one is the current in year budget and the other is the medium term budget. Members were informed that prior to the Covid-19 pandemic the Council’s in year budget was under pressure and subject to regular monitoring through Executive Board the impact of Coronavirus has increased pressure both in year and on the 2021/22 budget.
Finance are in the process of producing a five year finance plan. However, with the ongoing threat of Covid-19 this is having to change rapidly to adapt to increased financial challenges. Members were advised that prior to the pandemic these risks would have remained high. However, with the pandemic both of these risks have been pushed even higher and there is a particular focus on the five year plan.
Responding to a question on a recent major incident which had occurred in Birmingham. Members were advised that the Council has a ‘major incidents in the city’ risk which is rated as high. Incidents such as stabbings, terrorist attacks, floods, prolonged, or adverse weather conditions would fall under this risk area. There is also a risk on Community Cohesion which would offset any issues or tensions within local communities.
The Board were informed that addressing risks in relation to Covid-19 Risk Management had realised how interlinked many of the risks are. Going forward Risk Management would be taking best practice and lessons learned over the past few months to address other risk areas.
Members had noted that ICT failure was mid-range on the Councils risks and asked if it should be higher. Members were advised that this risk was on the radar especially with more people working from home and communicating in a variety of formats. The Board was informed that an update on this was due to be reported to the Corporate Leadership Team in November.
RESOLVED – To note the content of the report.
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