Agenda item

Application No. 19/06625/RM - Reserved Matter Application for Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping for Plots 1a and 1b (City Park) pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 17/02501/OT at the Former Tetley Brewery, Hunslet Road, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 1JQ

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Reserved Matter Application for Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping for Plots 1a and 1b (City Park) pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 17/02501/OT at the Former Tetley Brewery, Hunslet Road, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 1JQ.



(Report attached)


With reference to the meeting of 12th October 2017 and the decision to grant outline planning permission for mixed use development and a city park, the Chief Planning Officer now submitted a report which set out details of a Reserved Matters Application for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for plots 1a and 1b (City Park) pursuant to outline planning permission 17/02501/OT.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The City Centre Team Leader addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  Site / location / context

·  Reserved Matters Application for City Park

·  Masterplan

·  A 10 hectare site, the City Park would cover 2 hectares

·  Wider links and context

·  Key changes undertaken since October 2019

·  Wider green infrastructure

·  Biodiversity enhancement

·  Central Park Area

·  Routes through the park

·  The Tetley Triangle

·  The Hunslet Stray

·  The planting of nearly 200 new trees in the initial Phases of development (including legacy trees)

·  Proposed green amphitheatre

·  Ornamental show garden

·  Ongoing discussions with David Oluwale Memorial Association regarding a sculpture close to the play area

·  Water feature

·  Sustainability measures

·  Major contribution to a multi-functional City Park


The City Centre Team Leader reported the receipt of a letter of support from a local resident


Members raised the following questions:


·  The proposed trees to be planted, how mature were they and was the planting scheme covered by condition

·  It was understood that the LCC Parks and Countryside Service would be responsible for the maintenance of the greenspace, was the budget to carry out these works ring-fenced

·  Were there any proposals to provide adult exercise equipment

·  The ongoing discussions with the David Oluwale Memorial Association, at what stage were they at.

·  The proposed children’s play spaces and equipment, would they be accessible to all children

·  Could the seating for the Theatre Area be modified to appear less harsh, consider using “artificial grass”

·  Could consideration be given to the provision of a second water feature to be located near the Theatre area

·  This was an opportunity to create a wonderful greenspace but the CGI’s were disappointing

·  In terms of greenspace maintenance, the quality of the environment requires protecting to a high standard, could this be conditioned

·  Once this development is complete it will become a very popular destination, could Members be provided with a Briefing Note on the security measures to keep the area safe

·  When would the park be delivered and was its delivery incumbent on any Section106 obligations

·  Would the park be accessible anytime

·  The local Ward Member for the area said the species of trees identified within the report were not the same as those previously discussed and agreed

·  Would Members have oversight of the details of the sculpture

·  Can use of “moss” trees (artificial structures providing a structure for moss growth) be considered to mitigate air quality. 


In responding to the issues raised, officers and the applicant’s representatives said:


·  Members were informed that the majority of the new trees were between 3 - 5 years old, the 6 legacy trees which would be transplanted were between 18 – 20 years in age. Officers confirmed the planting scheme was covered by condition

·  The Chief Officer, Park and Countryside confirmed the maintenance budget would be ring-fenced

·  Members were informed that there was a 1km running track around the park, there would also be benches around the park which could be used for informal exercise purposes, but there was no formal exercise equipment proposed

·  It was reported that detailed discussions had taken place with the David Oluwale Memorial Association, the Association were currently awaiting a decision on funding for the sculpture, which was expected shortly.

·  The applicants Agent confirmed that the  children’s play spaces and equipment were the subject of detailed design and would include equipment accessible to all children

·  The City Centre Team Leader noted that the depth of the concrete seating indicated on the CGI image did not reflect the more detailed plans but said the proposed seating design to the Theatre Gardens may be revisited if it was considered to be too harsh

·  Members were informed that provision and maintenance of further water features were costly and that a location for a water feature had already been identified.

·  The central park area space would be similar in size to Lovell Park. Unfortunately there were no CGI images of the space but it would provide a parkland setting that would be added to with the potential extension of the park across Crown Point Road and the trees would mature over time and enhance the greenery

·  Members were informed that the greenspace maintenance of the park was to be managed by the LCC Parks & Countryside Service via a 250 year lease and to a Green Flag Standard. It was further reported that mechanisms were in place should the terms of the lease be defaulted upon

·  Members were informed that a Briefing Note outlining the proposed security arrangements for the area would be prepared and circulated to Panel for information at the earliest opportunity

·  The Applicants Agent said construction would commence on Phase 1 of the park in 2021 with a 2 year completion period and this timescale was not affected by the obligations within the Section 106 Agreement

·  Officers confirmed the park was ungated with unlimited 24 hour pedestrian access but there were restrictions for vehicle movement in the park (Deliveries and access only)

·  The City Centre Team Leader noted that the report confirms that the proposals include the species of trees that had been agreed with the Ward Councillor but that not all these species may have been mentioned in his presentation. The applicant advised that they could revisit the tree species in consultation with the ward member if required

·  The detailed design of the sculpture will be controlled by condition on the outline consent

·  Further consideration can be given to the use of “moss” trees particularly in future phases of development


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  All Members welcomed the scheme commenting that in time this would become a really popular destination and be a great legacy for the city

·  Could further consideration be given to the provision of exercise equipment (Some Members preferred wooden equipment, other preferred mechanical)

·  Members welcomed the two play areas for different age groups but suggested careful consideration was required for provision of exploratory play for young children

·  Members were supportive of the species of trees to be agreed with the Ward Councillor

·  Members welcomed the assurance around maintenance of the park

·  In due course could a “Friends of the Park” group be established


The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation commenting that this was a really impressive scheme and Members were clearly supportive of the development.




(i)  That the Reserved Matters Application (No.19/06625/RM) be approved subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report (and any others which the Chief Planning Officer might consider appropriate)


(ii)  That a Briefing Note outlining the proposed security arrangements for the park area be prepared and circulated at the earliest opportunity


Supporting documents: