Agenda item

Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme

To consider an update from the Director of City Development about the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme.


The report of the Director of City Development on the LPTIP included spend to date and forecast spend, along with scheme delivery status. It requested Members consideration of the schemes that have dropped out of the LPTIP, are being paused or are being delivered through other funding and delivery mechanisms.


In attendance for this item were:

  • Cllr Lisa Mulherin - Executive Board Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development
  • Martin Farrington - Director, City Development
  • Gary Bartlett – Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation
  • Andrew Hall – Chief Officer, Transport Planning
  • Sabby Khira - Programme Executive, LPTIP
  • David O’Donoghue – Principal Transport Planner


Board Members were informed of the following key points:

  • Connecting Leeds is working to tight timescales. The DfT had originally set funding to be spent by March 2021. However, in light of current circumstances relating to Covid-19 there is a degree of greater flexibility and as a result a proportion of money can be transferred into the next financial year if schemes are already underway;
  • A trial inclusion of motorcycle access to bus lanes on the A65 LPTIP corridor has been agreed in principle;
  • Funding has been secured for the extension to the Temple Green Park and Ride;
  • Regular meetings are ongoing with DfT regarding schemes, including those for the next financial year, which are well developed and ‘shovel ready’;
  • Contractors are making good progress on the schemes that are going ahead, although bad weather a month ago did impact on the works;
  • The team have worked hard to ensure the continuation of the supply chain, which had been impacted by Covid -19;
  • Good progress has been made with the city centre changes. Work continued whilst many businesses were closed during lockdown thereby limiting the impact of works on businesses;
  • The Lawnswood scheme is no longer part of the LPTIP but there has been progress in developing alternative options and officers are moving towards public engagement. It had been hoped that this could be a blended approach with online engagement and face to face consultation. However, in light of recent changes and the ongoing impact of Covid-19, face to face consultation may not go ahead. 


Responding to questions from the Board the following points were discussed;

  • Lawnswood is a priority scheme - however, it remains unfunded. Officers are committed to securing funding for a revised scheme and are therefore continuing to prepare the project so it can be quickly progressed once funding has been identified. The scheme is required principally for road safety but also to keep traffic flowing in this busy area;
  • Prior to the trial of motorcycles accessing with flow bus lanes there will be communication to stakeholders and signage will be changed to depict motorcycles and buses;
  • The Council has a planning application in progress to look at the expansion of flights and timetable for Leeds and Bradford Airport. The Plans Panel will be considering proposals which include a new environmentally friendly terminal building, hours of flying, and also the impact the proposals may have on the Council’s Ambitions for the Climate Emergency agenda;
  • A subway near the Hope Inn on the A64 has been replaced with a zebra crossing. Officers are aware of ongoing issues on this route as subways have had to close due to Covid-19;
  • It was noted that a road safety audit would be needed to address parking issues near Moortown Shopping Parade, which were highlighted in the meeting;
  • It is understood that improvements to Morley Train Station will be undertaken as part of the Trans-Pennine upgrade. This is to be confirmed and Members updated;
  • The City is to receive 500 new real time bus screens. Members raised concerns about ‘phantom buses’ which appear on journey tracking screens but do not then arrive. Members were advised that the software system is due for renewal and it is hoped this will reduce inaccurate information being displayed;
  • The City is to receive 9 new electric buses, Cllr. Mulherin shared her experience of travelling on one of the new buses. The buses can be charged overnight and can operate for 200 miles.


RESOLVED – To note the content of the report.







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