The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory advises Members of an application to vary a premises licence, made by Leeds Cricket, Football & Athletic Company Limited, for Rugby Pitch, North, South And Extentia Stands Emerald Headingley Stadium, St Michaels Lane, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3BR.
(Report attached)
The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory set out an application to vary a premises licence, made by Leeds Cricket, Football & Athletic Company Limited, for Rugby Pitch, North, South And Extentia Stands Emerald
Headingley Stadium, St Michaels Lane, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3BR.
The variation sought to enable live music events to be hosted over two weekends each year and increase the number of spectators allowed in the ground. The applicant wishes to hold four live music events attracting no more than 19,999 spectators at each event.
Members were advised by the Licensing Officer of the following points:
· The licence issued allows the provision of live music and sale by retail of alcohol, the licence in force allows one event per year either on a Friday or Saturday between 12:00 and 23:00 and then one event either on Saturday or a Sunday 11:00 and 18:00 on consecutive days. The events taking place between 12:00 - 23:00 may involve up to 9999 spectators and the day time event between 11:00 - 18:00 may involve up to 4999 spectators. A copy of the licence was appended to the report;
· This variation to the licence requested an increase in the number of live music events to four over two weekends. All licensable activities and timings are to remain as existing;
· No representations had been received from responsible authorities. However, Entertainment Licensing was in receipt of ten letters of objection one of which was on behalf of the residents of the Turnways and Laurel Bank Residents Association. All representations were opposed to this application on the grounds of public nuisance. Redacted copies of the objections had been attached at Appendix E of the submitted report.
In attendance were:
· Sue Ward – on behalf of the applicant Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd
· Sian Jones – on behalf of the applicant
· Stephanie Wright – on behalf of the applicant
· Richard Parr – objector to the application
Ms Ward informed the Members of the following points:
· Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd wished to increase the number of live events from two over a weekend to four over two weekends;
· Section M of the application described the steps that the Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd would be taking to address the licensing objectives;
· There were no representations from the Responsible Authorities, the Health Officer had also advised that there had been no recorded issues over the past 18 months;
· Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd had continued to liaise with residents and local councillors. Some had been face to face meetings with an invite accepted on 12th February 2020;
· The Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd recognised the 10 representations and noted the concerns raised in relation to public nuisance;
· The Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd had drawn up an Events Plan to address issues such as travel, litter and noise. This Events Plan would be drawn up 90 days prior to the event. However, it was noted that tickets to see bands would have been on sale months before the event was due to take place;
· Compliance would be adhered to with regard to noise levels, floodlights would be turned off at 11:00pm and no emptying of bottles into bins between 11:00pm until 7:00am the next day;
· Residents had been sent newsletters updating them and had been provided with a telephone number should there be a complaint regarding noise levels;
· Events would take place on the rugby pitch with the stage placed at the western terrace end so that the noise directed away from the houses on the Turnways;
· Events would be held during the summer months whilst there was no rugby;
· Noise tests had been taken at St Michaels, The Turnways, Greyshiels and Broomfields. All were deemed to be of acceptable levels.
Richard Parr an objector to the application whose home is approximately 20 metres from the western terrace informed the Members of his concerns as follows:
· Headingley is a popular area of Leeds which is now seeing more families moving into the area. Residents in the area were already disturbed by the rugby and cricket matches, especially since the upgrading of the new stadium with its new PA system. Residents of Headingley were also under the flight path of the airport. All these factors had an impact on the lives of the residents of the local area;
· Mr Parr said that he had young children under the age of 10 who go to bed about 6:30pm, an event as proposed would disturb their sleep and he knows of neighbours who also have young children;
· He was of the view that the two events that had already taken place would be nothing in comparison to what was being proposed for future events;
· The location of the stage would be at the western terrace end of the ground close to his house. The type of music events proposed could last up to 3 hours, the music would be bassy, loud and non-stop till 11:00pm;
· Mr Parr also raised concerns with regard to people leaving the venue and the dismantling of the stage would also cause noise nuisance after 11:00pm.
Responding to Members questions the Licensing Sub Committee were advised of the following points:
· All sound was measured by an independent consultant who provided reports on the sound levels;
· The Club had worked closely with the residents and responsible authorities;
· The stage would back onto the western terrace so that sound was projected back into the ground away from the houses on the Turnways;
· Pre-Covid the stadium regularly hosted 15,000 to 18,000 people every game;
· Should an event be delayed it would be possible to remove tracks from the playlist so that the event would still finish on time;
· Rugby is a family game and finishes at 9:45pm;
· De-rigging can take place the following day and the Leeds Cricket, Football and Athletic Co. Ltd would be happy to volunteer this to be added to conditions;
· Stewards and security would monitor the perimeter of the stadium at the end of the concert.
RESOLVED – To grant the application with the following additional condition;
· The de-rigging of the stage and equipment to be left until the following day.
The meeting concluded at 2:55pm
Supporting documents: