To receive a report from the Director of Children and Families presenting an update on specific requested areas of the Children and Families Services’ response and recovery plan for schools, working with partners and communities, in response to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic.
The Director of Children and Families submitted a report that presented an update on specific requested areas of the Children and Families Services’ response and recovery plan for schools, working with partners and communities, in response to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic.
The following documents were appended to the report:
- COVID-19 Pupil Attendance in Leeds Dashboard
- Updated advice for children and young people who have been shielding
The following were in attendance:
- Cllr Jonathan Pryor, Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment
- Cllr Fiona Venner, Executive Member for Children and Families
- Sal Tariq, Director of Children and Families
- Sue Rumbold, Chief Officer, Partnerships and Health
- Tim Pouncey, Chief Officer, Resources and Strategy
- Val Waite, Head of Service Learning Inclusion
- Dave Clark, Head of Service Learning Improvement
The Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment introduced the report, highlighting that attendance for all pupils in Leeds during the week commencing the 14th September was 87%, and early indications suggest that this is broadly in line with England state-funded schools. As of 5th October 2020, it was reported that 29 secondary schools, 66 primary schools, and 5 specialist schools had confirmed cases of COVID-19; with a total of 5,895 pupils self-isolating due to themselves or a close connection testing positive. Members also were advised that there had been an increase in notification of parents choosing to electively home educate their child, due to concerns associated with COVID-19.
Members discussed a number of matters, including:
· Notification of ‘bubble’ collapses. Members requested that the system for notification of bubble collapses be revisited to include schools that are not located in a members ward, but the catchment area expands into their ward.
· Monitoring missed education to identify learning gaps. Members recognised that extensive efforts are taken by schools to ensure that remote learning packages are available should a ‘bubble’ have to self-isolate for 14 days, however, requested assurance that further support would be provided to pupils upon their return to school to catch-up with missed learning. Members were advised that a £650m catch up premium has been awarded to the Council, which is intended to cover missed learning and targeted support for children and young people who need it most, equating to approximately £80 per pupil based on the October 2020 census. Additionally, a tuition programme for schools to access to provide catch-up learning will be launched in November 2020.
· Support offered to schools. Members reported that schools in the city have been very grateful for the extensive support and guidance they have received throughout the pandemic from Council teams, and wished to note their thanks.
· Future arrangements for statutory examinations and tests. There was some discussion around central governments’ position on exams and other testing in the 2020/21 academic year, particularly in relation to GCSEs and A Levels, and the impact that uncertainty continues to have on pupils and teachers. Members proposed that a working group to further consider the Board’s position in relation to exams and other forms of testing be arranged, and following discussions, the Chair and the Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment write to the Department for Education and Ofqual with requests for consideration moving forward.
a) That the contents of the report, along with Members comments be noted;
b) That a working group be arranged to discuss the future arrangements for examinations and testing in the 2020/21 academic year;
c) That the Chair and Executive Member write to the Department for Education and Ofqual setting out the Leeds position and requests for consideration in relation to the future arrangements for examinations and testing in the 2020/21 academic year.
Supporting documents: