Agenda item

Application No. 20/02048/FU for the demolition of existing structures, the construction of a new cafe and a cycle hub; a new taxi rank; public realm enhancement works including hard and soft landscaping; improvements to the cycle, pedestrian and multi-modal interchange arrangements; and the installation of new access lift at Bishopgate Street, New Station Street and Mill Goit, Neville Street, and Dark Neville Street, Leeds City Centre. Listed Building Application 20/01996/LI for the demolition of an existing section of wall and the construction of a replacement wall, which will be built into an existing listed wall at Bishopgate Street, New Station Street, Leeds.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks the demolition of existing structures, the construction of a new cafe and a cycle hub; a new taxi rank; public realm enhancement works including hard and soft landscaping; improvements to the cycle, pedestrian and multi-modal interchange arrangements; and the installation of new access lift at Bishopgate Street, New Station Street and Mill Goit, Neville Street, and Dark Neville Street, Leeds City Centre. Listed Building Application 20/01996/LI for the demolition of an existing section of wall and the construction of a replacement wall, which will be built into an existing listed wall at Bishopgate Street, New Station Street, Leeds.



(Report attached)


With reference to the meeting of 16th July 2020 and the decision to defer and delegate determination of Application No. 20/02048/FU to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report (and any others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate) and following further discussions with the developer concerning access issues, in particular the provision of level access to the taxi rank on New Station Street and that Application No. 20/01996/LI (Listed Building Consent) be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report.


The Chief Planning Officer now submitted a report which provided an update on the discussions with the developer with regard to the provision of level access to the taxi rank on New Station Street.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The Planning Case Officer addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  Site / location / context

·  Potential ramp options (Section 8 of the submitted report)

·  Consultation – A rolling process of meetings to ensure all groups had  a voice

·  Constraints of the site


Members were informed that exploration work had been undertaken by the Applicant in relation to the potential other access options, as detailed in section 8 of the submitted report which demonstrated that none of the considered options would be the best answer to addressing the many demands of this scheme.


The report concluded that, on the basis of the findings of the access options report (in Appendix 1), the originally designed scheme, to create the two new 21 person pedestrian lifts and the steps to both sides of the lift/kiosk building, and provide a level access under the Queens hotel portico would bring the optimum solution for addressing accessibility between New Station Street and Bishopgate Street.


Members raised the following questions to officers:


·  In respect of the consultation, were disabled groups consulted, in particular, Mr McSharry who previously addressed Panel and spoke about the difficulties for disabled people who used taxis, had he been provided with any reassurance

·  Creating a ramp may encourage anti-social use, skateboarders for example


In responding to the issues raised, officers said:


·  The LCC Access Officer confirmed that the consultation included a pan disability group which included groups with different disabilities. In respect of Mr McSharry it was reported that 3 meetings had taken place with the group he represented.

·  Measures could be incorporated onto the ramp to deter skateboard use but this would be impracticable because the ramp needs to be a smooth service for wheelchair users


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  The majority of Members appeared to be satisfied that all necessary groups/ stakeholders had been consulted.

·  Members were supportive of the proposal to expand the concourse in front of the station to accommodate more people

·  Members expressed the view that although they were not entirely satisfied with the conclusions of the report, they did accept that there were no other alternative solutions which would satisfy everyone

·  A small number of Members queried if all options had been explored, could access be achieved from the rear of the station via Aire Street


In responding to the final comment the City Centre Team Leader said provision of level access would be looked at again as part of future proposals to improve the Aire Street entrance but that those proposals would be separate from the scheme before Members


The Chair thanked Members for their contributions




(i)  That the contents of the report be noted


(ii)  Although not part of this proposal, the Chief Planning Officer be requested to investigate enhanced level access arrangements via Aire Street as part of the planning considerations for those proposals.


Supporting documents: