To receive an update from the Chief Officer for Communities on the ongoing work of Leeds City Council, Voluntary Action Leeds and other volunteer organisations to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Further to the minutes of the meeting held 9 July 2020, the report of the Chief Officer (Communities) provided the Board with an update on the work which Leeds City Council (LCC), Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) and other organisations have continued to undertake in response to ongoing need in communities as the Covid-19 Pandemic has continued.
The Chair commended the work and various roles Martin Dean (Area Leader, Communities) had undertaken in the Council over 35 years. The Board shared their thanks for the work Martin had contributed, in bettering outcomes across communities.
The following were in attendance for this item:
o Councillor Coupar, Executive Member for Communities
o Shaid Mahmood, Chief Officer Communities
o Lee Hemsworth, Chief Officer Customer Access & Welfare
o Richard Jackson, VAL
The Chief Officer (Communities) introduced the report and highlighted the work in terms of considerations around the support provided to community hubs for the remainder of the year, and additional funding.
The Board were informed of the following matters:
· The increased demand across all Community Care Hubs, and in particular the inner city wards. Partnership working continues between Fareshare and the council to ensure that food supply remains sufficient, however access to a sufficient level of food has been identified as a challenge;
· The Local Welfare Support Scheme (LWSS) has seen a 50% increase on the helpline service and the effect this has on Community Care Hubs. Provision in terms of priority supermarket slots and paid vouchers were being promoted;
· Two new Community Care Hubs that will be delivered and resourced by universities across Leeds;
· Encouragement of Community Care Hubs to work collaboratively with partners in their local area;
· Ensuring neighbourliness continues across all wards to address mental health and inequality concerns;
· A working group in relation to sector resilience that focused on work streams such as sector resourcing, community led activity, volunteering, climate action and generous leadership in terms of supporting smaller organisations;
· The infrastructure in place in terms of a locally led approach.
In responding to Members’ comments, the following had been discussed:
· Food supply complications specifically in relation to Slung Low Community Care Volunteer Hub and the process in terms of distribution. The Executive Member for Communities confirmed this particular issue would be looked at as a matter of urgency.
· LWSS referrals. Members heard that early complications with the helpline have now been resolved, and work was undertaken to ensure that all of the Community Care Hubs have a single point of contact to raise issues.
· Covid-19 Helpline operating hours and in particular, the implications on weekends. It was confirmed that the service operated Monday – Friday. Weekend work had operated at the start of the pandemic, however considerations needed to be looked at in terms of the demand on services across Community Care Hubs.
· In paying tribute to all volunteers during the pandemic, the number of volunteers across the Third Sector and Community Care Hubs had been discussed. It was acknowledged that engagement with volunteers post the pandemic, to address inequality and poverty issues would still be needed.
· The fair distribution of finances across Community Care Hubs. Although funding was distributed on ward basis, the tailored approach did not cover the full cost of operations. A model was being considered in conjunction with VAL to provide funding on a full cost recovery basis.
· The work and role of Neighbourhood Networks had been emphasised.
· It was confirmed that an up to date document containing a list of contact details for all of the Community Care Hubs would be distributed to Board Members.
The Chair thanked everybody for their contributions.
a) That the contents of the report be noted, together with comments raised by the Board.
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