Agenda item

Update on Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan

To consider the report of the Chief Executive providing an update on the actions of the Leeds Health and Social Care system and Leeds City Council, working with broader partners, in response to and facilitating the recovery from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


(Report to follow)


Further to Minute No. 64, 21st October 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report which provided an update on the continued Coronavirus (COVID-19) work being undertaken across the city including the recovery approach, outbreak management, and current issues and risks. The report also noted that the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements continued to be used alongside the Response and Recovery plan with the aim of mitigating the effects of the pandemic on those in the city, especially the most vulnerable, and to help to continue to prepare for the longer term stages of recovery planning.


By way of introduction to the report and in response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received an update on the role of the Council and the co-ordinated approach it was taking with partner agencies to continue to deliver a broad range of services and actions across a range of key areas. Further information regarding the Government funding received to resource such actions was also provided. The importance of a localised approach being taken in key areas was highlighted, with it being noted that the Council would continue to work closely with Government and fully utilise the funding it received.


It was also noted that work continued with Government in order to gain further clarity upon the processes for coming out of the current lockdown, whilst it was acknowledged that we had reached a pivotal point given the progress which was being made in developing a vaccine. With this in mind, it was emphasised that the effective delivery of the vaccine would be key, when it became available.


As part of the wider discussion on such matters, Members highlighted the need for the communication of clear messaging across the city to continue with regard to the ongoing restrictions, whilst the importance of the discretionary grant funding scheme for businesses and the delivery of the self-isolation support scheme were also highlighted.



(a)  That the national changes effective from 5th November 2020 when the country entered a second lockdown, and the impacts from this upon Council services, as outlined within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the extensive work being undertaken across the partnerships to control the spread of the virus and to support vulnerable people and businesses, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(c)  That agreement be given for the key issues of: service delivery change; local contact tracing; vaccine rollout; mass testing where appropriate; harm minimisation for the elderly and vulnerable; business support schemes; self-isolation compliance and support; preparing for the end of the university term; and targeted communications, to continue to be progressed;


(d)  That the concurrent pressures on the system, which include winter pressures on the health and care system, flood risk and extreme weather, local government finance and capacity concerns and uncertainty around exit from the EU, be noted;


(e)  That in respect of the financial implications for the Council arising from the Coronavirus pandemic, the contents of the submitted report be used as context when the Board considers the more detailed finance based reports, as presented elsewhere on the agenda. 

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