Agenda item


The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests consideration of an application on a residential development of 104 dwellings including provision of on-site open space and associated works at land off Pit Lane, Micklefield, Leeds LS25


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for a development of 104 dwellings including provision of on-site open space and associated works at land off Pit Lane, Micklefield, Leeds.


The application had been brought to Plans Panel at the request of all three Kippax and Methley Ward Members who considered that the proposal for 104 dwellings was a departure from current planning policy.


Members were advised of the following points:

·  The proposal related to 104 dwellings, which consisted of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties arranged in a mix of bungalows, townhouses, semi-detached houses and detached houses. The properties would be of traditional build some with chimneys;

·  All the properties would have front and rear garden space, and at least 2 off-street parking spaces;

·  The site would be accessed by the existing vehicular access off Pit Lane, with additional cycling and pedestrian links also located along Pit Lane;

·  The proposal includes an area of public open space to be laid out as a formal landscaped area with new trees planted on this area and throughout the site. This area would also include the attenuation tank and pumping station;

·  The site had been allocated for housing within the Council’s Site Allocation Plan with an estimated capacity of 79 units. The part of the site had previously been used for allotments, with the remaining area used as pasture land;

·  Running parallel to the site is a public right of way along the embankment to the south linking The Crescent to Pit Lane, there is also another public right of way which runs through the site from The Crescent to Pit Lane. A stepped access to the site would be provide between units 57 and 58;

·  The scheme has been subject to a number of revisions, including the reductions in the number of dwellings from 119 to 104 dwellings with all house types now space standard compliant and garden space now complying with policy;

·  All three local ward members had written objecting to the proposals, their comments were set out at paragraph 18 of the report. 41 letters of representation had been received, consisting of 1 letter in support and 40 letters of objection. The reasons for the objections set out at paragraph 20 of the submitted report. Micklefield Parish Council had also raised objections which were set out at paragraph 21;

·  The junction near to Pit Lane would be changed to allow better visibility;

·  Units 56 and 57 were proposed as bungalows;

·  The site proposes 23 allotments plots as part of the conditions the plots would be laid out with footpaths and fencing. This land would be gifted to the local Allotment Association;

·  It was proposed that materials would be a mix of stone and brick properties and a condition would deal with the appropriate materials after discussions with ward and parish councillors.


The Panel was advised that Cllr Lewis had commented on the proposals and on behalf of the local ward members had raised concerns about the allotment land and wanted to see planned works at the junction along the main road.


Photographs and slides were shown throughout the presentation.


In attendance at the meeting were Cllr Lewis, Local Ward Member and Cllr Jon Crossley, Chair of Micklefield Parish Council who were speaking in objection to the proposals.


Cllr Lewis informed the Panel of the following points:

·  Concerns had been raised in relation to the footpath and the green space which had been dealt with. However, the ward members did not accept the reduction in allotment space;

·  The Site Allocation Plan had been discussed extensively and it was the view of the ward members that the plan should be as initially proposed;

·  It was noted that not all the allotments were currently used as they were owned by a private landlord. Many residents in the village had been unware that they could rent the allotments and it was the view that if the allotments were run as an association all the plots would be used;

·  There were still concerns in relation to the junction as there are not footpaths on both sides of the road and pedestrians are not easily visible;

·  Another concern was the routing of construction vehicles through the village, needed to be diverted away from the school.


Cllr Crossley’s concerns with the development related to the materials to be used. The Parish Council were of the view that more of the development should be built using natural stone as this was more in keeping with the village.


In responding to questions from Members the Panel was provided with the following information:

·  It would be preferable to have bus shelters on both sides of the road. It was noted that a bus shelter with real time information was to be provided on the South Side of the Great North Road;

·  The size of the allotment plots should be maintained as full sized plots;

·  The Site Allocation Plan proposed 79 properties but this development was for 104 properties;

·  The report had addressed some of the flood risks, however, if the properties proposed facing onto Pit Lane were built incorrectly water from Pit Lane could run into the gardens;

·  Some of the allotments plots are currently used for grazing, the land owners also own the allotment plots the arrangements for renting plots are historic. It was noted that in some areas allotments plots had been reduced in size to allow more people to rent one. It was unclear what the demand would be for allotments, but allotments in nearby villages had waiting lists and had proved popular during lockdown;

·  There are currently three housing developments in the village of Micklefield which will increase the population of the village;

·  It was noted that the junction was not appropriate for traffic lights and there was only pedestrian access on one side of the main road.


Mr Mark Johnson the Planning Agent attended the meeting and informed the Panel of the following points:

·  This site had taken a number of years to get this stage and the landfill was nearly finished. The developers had worked with the Council and the Parish Council in addressing every policy in relation to design and space;

·  The Pit Lane access was tight but the access had always been tight. The Inspector had viewed and cleared it;

·  The steps at the side of the bungalows are there to address the transitional height across the site. There are 6 walkable routes across the site;

·  There are brick properties in Micklefield and it was his view that the site did not need to be stone. However, it was proposed that the south-east corner of the development would be stone built properties;

·  The developers had agreed to re-provide allotments plots at the side of the development.


In response to questions the Panel were informed of the following points:

·  The allotments are privately owned with a third of them used currently for grazing, work has been undertaken with the current tenants;

·  Taylor Wimpey have agreed to provide allotment space, which will have better fencing for security and footpaths laid out. It is the plan to take the allotments away from private ownership and set up the new allotments as an association. The allotments would have access to a water supply;

·  It was noted that the bungalows could have been provided as affordable homes, but they were provided to ensure a better mix of housing throughout the site and it had not been suggested that they be affordable;

·  The school is some distance from the site so construction vehicles should not be an issue;

·  The properties exceed building regulations in relation to climate change with the properties having good heat efficiency, good fabric and solar panels. Some of the affordable homes also have solar panels;

·  Signposting in relation to the public rights of way could be addressed.


Officers responding to questions advised the Panel of the following:

·   The carriageway width on the Great North Road did not provide the opportunity to introduce another footpath. Safety audits had been conducted;

·  Education contributions would be dealt with by CIL and there would contributions to bus stops etc;

·  The underground storage tank would address drainage issues holding back water so that it drained away in smaller amounts. Members were of the view that the drainage should be addressed by Yorkshire Water at the planning level;

·  The garages were sufficient to park a car in them and all properties would have parking spaces for two cars.


Member’s comments included:

·  For an additional condition for all properties to be provided with water butts;

·  The design of some of the properties was thought to be bland and would be improved with porches, canopies or bay windows;

·  The travel plan should also include the use of the nearby railway station;

·  An additional condition in relation to the maintenance of the access steps, footpaths and green space.


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate the officer recommendation to grant planning permission subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement (traffic management scheme, affordable housing, public transport measures, travel plan, local employment and skills initiative and the delivery of allotment land to the local society).


The deferral to include negotiations to improve the design of the front elevation of the flat fronted house types.


Amendments to the recommendation:

·  Delete condition No. 32 (restriction of permitted development rights).

·  Add the following conditions:

o  Finished floor levels and site levels to be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

o  Details of signposting of Public Right of Way to be submitted, agreed and implemented.

o  Provision of water butts to houses.

o  Details of responsibility of maintenance of public right of way to be submitted and approved.



Cllr. Nash joined the meeting at 14:15 during this item.


Cllr. Anderson left the meeting at 15:55 at the end of this item.




Supporting documents: