The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests consideration for an application for proposed extension and alteration of Leeds Golf Centre including an annexe building (extension to clubhouse) and 37 holiday lodges; change of use of agricultural land to golf course at Leeds Golf Centre, Wike Ridge Lane, Wike.
(Report attached)
The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out a position statement on the proposed extension and alteration of Leeds Golf Centre including an annexe building (extension to clubhouse) and 37 holiday lodges; change of use of agricultural land to golf course at Leeds Golf Centre, Wike Ridge Lane, Wike.
Members were informed of the following points:
· Cllr Stephenson had confirmed the Ward Members position as outlined in the submitted report;
· Since the publication of the report public consultation input had been received from the Public Rights of Way Team whose objection to the application still stands. One of the main concerns was in relation to the bridleway and the impact on the bridleway surface. It was noted that vehicle trips would be low and School Lane which is narrow would up graded;
· 3 additional representation had been received all were in objection to the scheme, 2 were from Wike residents and 1 was from the Ramblers Association. The Ramblers Association letter supported the concerns outlined by the Public Rights of Way Team. Public response to the application was set out at paragraphs 19 to 25 of the submitted report with the 2 additional letters from Wike residents reiterating the comments already received;
· This application was presented to the Plans Panel as it is a significant application within the Green Belt. The applicant had made a case for ‘very special circumstances’ in an attempt to justify the development in the Green Belt, this matter had been addressed at paragraphs 62 to 64 of the report;
· The proposal would include;
o A 37 unit ‘Eco-lodge’ development with car parking and landscaping;
o Redevelopment and extension of clubhouse including a driving range;
o Relocation of the 9 hole foot golf course and 9 hole Par 3 Academy course;
o Re-alignment of the driving range; and
o An adventure golf course;
· The Eco-lodge would be a mix of two and four bed lodges;
· This is a hybrid application as it seeks to obtain full planning permission for clubhouse extension and holiday lodges and outline permission for the remaining elements including the foot golf course, adventure golf, academy course and realigned driving range.
Photographs and slides were shown throughout the presentation.
In attendance at the meeting were:
Andrew Windress – Planning Agent
Hanif Malek - Park Lane Foundation
Gerald Jennings – Park Lane Foundation
They addressed the Panel advising the Members of the following points:
· The Golf Club was purchased by Park Lane Foundation in 2011 and in 2018 won Golf Club of the year;
· The Club relies on surplus revenue from the wider group to sustain it. It was noted that the pandemic had put a strain on the finances and to continue needed to become independent and financially viable;
· The Golf Club works with schools and young people of different and diverse backgrounds;
· As well as the economic benefits that the development would bring they also believed that the work would fit with the Leeds City Council Strategies of Child Friendly City, Health and Wellbeing and Climate Emergency. The development would also work with the Council towards the Leeds 2023 for Capital of Culture;
· The application had received no technical objectives from highways etc;
· The Club would address the points made by the Public Rights of Ways Team and work with them on this;
· All the golf activities being offered are appropriate and the adventure golf has benefits for outdoor recreation and used as a stepping stone for children to further golfing activities;
· Paragraph 63 of the report outlined the very special circumstances of the development in Green Belt;
· The developers had met with the Council’s Sport and Recreation Team to discuss the requirements for the Golf Club. It was noted that pay and play would be important to the club.
Member’s discussions included:
· Ecological and financial sustainability of the lodges,
· Work with schools across the city including those based in the inner city;
· Partnership working;
· Ecological benefits and benefits of tourism for the city;
· Hiring of bikes;
· Travel plans to include minibuses and train station.
Member’s comments included;
· Good for health and wellbeing and mental health across the city;
· Innovative and exciting development for the city making the Golf Centre accessible across all communities of Leeds;
· Some concerns about the impact to the Green Belt and the village of Wike;
· Concerns in relation to the size and mass of the main building.
Members were requested to answer a number of questions to assist in the development of the application.
RESOLVED – To note the report.
Summary of the comments of the Plans Panel in respect of each of the questions set out in the Panel report:
· Do Members wish to comment on the suggested Very Special Circumstances advanced by the applicant and whether they clearly outweigh the Green Belt harm?
o Panel set out that to allow this development in the Green Belt would require a special justification.
o The benefits associated with tourism, the economy, wider community benefits through the operation of the policies and practices of the golf club, employment generation (in was hoped that this would include apprenticeships) were noted and welcomed. It was hoped that the applicant would come forward with proposals that would benefit school children across the city.
o Panel asked that more detailed information be presented setting out the evidence to support the case for very special circumstances.
· Do Members have any comments to make in respect of the landscape impact of the proposed development?
o Panel raised significant concerns raised over the massing and design of the ‘new’ clubhouse. It was considered that its design and use of materials was inappropriate to its rural setting.
o Panel raised concerns over the number of eco-lodges and asked for justification for the number of lodges proposed.
o Panel requested that CGI’s be provided to help the Panel assess the visual impact of the clubhouse, particularly from the Public Right of Way.
o Panel requested that further information be provided to show how the proposed clubhouse compares with the fall-back position (the historic part implemented planning permission for extensions to the clubhouse).
· Do Members have any thoughts or comments relating to the economic benefits of the development?
o Please see the answer to the first question above.
· Do Members have any comments to make in respect of the provision of the spa and eco lodge uses in this rural location?
o No concerns were raised in respect of the principle of these uses at this location as part of this development.
o Panel requested that further information be provided in respect of the environmental qualities of the eco-lodges.
o Attention was drawn to the health benefits that arise from the spa, particularly with regard to stroke victims.
o Panel asked for information relating to the provision for use of the facilities by the local community.
· Do Members have any concerns or comments relating to ecology / nature / trees?
o Panel requested that an environmental balance sheet be provided that clearly identifies negative environmental impacts balanced against positive impacts so that any net gain can be evidenced.
· Do Members have any concerns or comments relating to highway issues?
o Panel asked that further consideration be given to facilitating and encouraging the use of sustainable transport measures including: cycle hire, facilitating cycle use and the creation of a cycle track.
o Panel raised concerns about traffic generated by the proposed development and the impact on the local road network that is narrow, meandering and not well lit.
o Panel requested further information to help them assess the impact of increase in traffic on the village and its residents.
o With regard to the bullet point above Panel want further information to help them understand what traffic levels are now and what they would be like when the development is complete and operational.
· Do Members have any other comments to make over the environmental impact of the proposed development?
o Panel requested that further information be provided against how the development performs against BREAAM targets.
o What measures are to be implement to encourage active travel (see above).
· Do Members wish to raise any other matters at this point in time?
o Members again noted the site’s location in the Green Belt and that for planning permission to be granted very special circumstances would need to be demonstrated and that this is a high bar.
o Panel noted and were encouraged by the many positive benefits of the proposal subject to the comments set out above.
o However, Panel retained particular concerns around the massing and design of the proposed clubhouse.
o Councillor Collins had to leave the meeting prior to the consideration of this item for personal reasons. Subsequent to the Panel Cllr Collins has confirmed that if she had been able to hear this item she would have drawn attention to the National Planning Policy Framework and para. 141 that states:
“Once Green Belts have been defined, local planning authorities should plan positively to enhance their beneficial use, such as looking for opportunities to provide access; to provide opportunities for outdoor sport and recreation; to retain and enhance landscapes, visual amenity and biodiversity; or to improve damaged and derelict land.”
Supporting documents: