Agenda item

Flood Risk Management

To receive an update on the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy from the local Flood Risk Manager.


The report of the Flood Risk Manager provided the Board with an update on the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.


Jonathon Moxon, Flood Risk Manager and Councillor Mohammed Rafique, Executive Member were in attendance for this item.


Members were reminded that the Council had a statutory responsibility as the local Flood Authority and had to provide a flood strategy.  This was last refreshed in 2018 and is brought to the Board every year to check on progress.


The following was highlighted


·  Updates on phase two of the Flood Alleviation Scheme.

·  The biggest test this year in February during Storm Ciara and then Storm Dennis which were close to causing flood incidents - some of the defences installed had worked well including the movable weirs installed in the city centre during phase 1 Flood Alleviation Scheme works.

·  Inspection of flood defences and drainage.

·  Work with Planning as part of the flood risk strategy.

·  Hawthorn Terrace scheme in Garforth was completed during the past year.  This was the first scheme that had some funding from Highways England.

·  Completion of the Wykebeck Phase One scheme – this also provided a much improved greenspace and a new reservoir.

·  Mickletown Flood Alleviation Scheme – this would be delivered wholly through developer funding

·  Otley FAS – this was due to start in the New Year.

·  The FAS 2 scheme had now got full funding and schemes would enhance those delivered in phase 1.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  The discretionary role of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in response to flooding – this used to be a statutory role but was now voluntary and WYFRS did not receive funding for this.

·  Insurance for properties in flood risk areas.

·  The funding gap for Phase 2 was initially around £23 million.  The government funded £21 million and funds were requested from Community Infrastructure Levies.  Further funding had come from the Yorkshire Flood Committee and Highways England.  A written summary would be provided for the Members.

·  There were different categories of flooding incidents depending on impact and severity.  Every report of flooding was recorded whether it was highways, greenspace, outbuildings or other properties.  The level and severity of flooding could have an impact on Recovery Grant Assistance.

·  Climate change impact – this had to be considered on new developments and requirements were made to allow for possible impacts of climate change.  There would usually be an uplift in these requirements to provide a higher than requested measure.  There were recognised national models to follow and these would be used as a baseline.  Locally, the Council worked closely with the University of Leeds.

·  As part of the submission for the devolution deal there was a request for funding for flood risk management.  Clarity was being sought on what was actually available and West Yorkshire Combined Authority were tabling a bid to Government for funds.

·  Farnley Wood Beck  - some funding had been secured from a developer for de-culverting of the beck.


RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.



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