Agenda item

Finance Report

The report of the Head of Stronger Communities report provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


(Report attached)


The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.


In attendance at the meeting was Phil Staniforth, Park Technical Manager. Phil thanked the Members of Outer West Community Committee for their support over the years in funding a site based gardener at New Farnley Park and Tyersal Park.


Phil informed Members that the service was currently 40% down on resources and they had been unable to provide the supervision for a site based gardener at the two parks. However, if the Committee wished them to go ahead and employ a site based gardener they would submit the required application as they would be able to find tasks for the individual to do in relation to tidying up the parks.


Member’s discussion around the site based gardener included:

·  Using the gardener across more of the parks in the area. However, it was noted that this post was ring-fenced to New Farnley Park and Tyersal Park;

·  Parks were needed in the community at this current time, parks had proved popular during the first period of lockdown and it was thought they this would continue.

·  Members were of the opinion that the site based gardener was a useful resource in this area and requested that Phil should submit an application for funding for this post as soon as possible.


Members were informed of the following points:

·  Since the last consultative meeting on 7th September 2020, the following projects had been approved by DDN:

o  Hawthorn Community Allotment Garden (Wellbeing) - £7,890.00

o  Amendment to Xmas Lights Budget (Wellbeing) - £300.00

·  Paragraphs 18 -21 provided an update of the Wellbeing Fund. A full breakdown of the projects was provided at Table 1. The total revenue funding available to the Community Committee for 2020/21 is £129,328.06. It was noted that Teaching Young Children to Swim had been cancelled as the Pudsey Amateur Swimming Club was currently closed and Money Buddies project had been postponed until they can find a building in which to meet;

·  Christmas Lights projects are still ongoing with preparations being made for the switch on;

·  Rehoboth Burial Ground project has now completed, and it was noted that they have been successful in securing National Lottery Funding for more work;

·  The Moravian Museum project had not been able to commence due to covid restrictions, it was noted that Members would be kept updated on this projected;

·  Tyersal Youth Club CCTV is due to complete by the end of November 2020. However it was noted that they had requested additional money to cover costs for PPE. Cllr Smith advised that she would contact the organisation;

·  Pudsey House, installation of electrical equipment would receive its final fit on 13th November;

·  Pudsey Soap Box Race had been cancelled;

·  Pudsey in Bloom had now completed;

·  Members were requested to consider an application in relation to Summer Bands for 2021. Members were in agreement that the concerts had proved to be successful this year, and they recognised that work had to start now to ensure that the bands were able to perform next summer; 

·  Youth Activities Fund updates were provided at paragraphs 26-28 of the submitted report. Balances and projects were set out at Table 2 of the report;

·  In relation to the Youth Activities Fund projects it was noted that Andy Youth Project had, had its risk assessment signed off and would commence as soon as possible; Breeze Holiday Camp had been cancelled due to covid restrictions, but hoped to run in the next financial year; Pudsey Youth Café had, had its risk assessment signed off and hoped to commence in December; Farnley Football had completed and the monitoring for this project was expected in the next few weeks;

·  The Youth Summit is proposed to take place in early 2021;

·  The Committee were requested to consider two projects for YAF which were set out at paragraphs 29 and 30 of the submitted report for, Breeze Friday Night Project and Outer West Area Activity programme;

·  Monitoring had been received in relation to Mini Breeze which had held 3 sessions. Feedback was that the sessions had gone well. The Committee did raise concerns that about how the tickets had been distributed as some families not used their tickets on the day;

·  Table 3 set out the balances for the small grants and skips;

·  Capital Budget had remained unchanged. Table 5 provided an update on the projects to date;

·  Members were advised that the current CIL Balance was £126,439.17, with the CIL allocation outlined in Table 6;

·  Table 8 provided the Community Committee with an up-to-date balance statement on the Outer West Covid-19 Discretionary Funds. It was noted that the two more payments had been provided to Calverley Rotary Club and Armley Helping Hands to provide older people with food for Christmas meals.


RESOLVED - To note the following:

a. Details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1)

b. Wellbeing proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 23-24)

c. Details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position (Table 2)

d. YAF proposals for consideration and approval (paragraph 28-30)

e. Details of the Small Grants & Skips Budget (Table 3)

f. Details of the Capital Budget (Table 4)

g. Details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 6)

h. Details of the Covid-19 Discretionary Fund balances (Table 8)


The Community Committee approved the following applications:

·  Summer Bands in Leeds Parks 2021 – Wellbeing Fund £3,250.00

·  Breeze Friday Night Project - YAF Budget: £4,179.00

·  Outer West Area Activity programme - YAF Budget: £6,400



Cllr Anne Blackburn joined the meeting at 13:45, Cllr Andrew Carter joined the meeting at 14:05, during consideration of this item.

Supporting documents: