To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities.
The report of the Head of Stronger Communities provided the Community Committee with and update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2020/21.
Kimberly Frangos, Localities Officer presented the report.
The following was highlighted:
· Summary of revenue allocation to date and remaining balances.
· Projects for consideration:
o Rothwell Junior Park Run - £1,000 from Wellbeing Funds and £1,000 from Youth Activity Funds. This was supported by Members.
o Access to Track Training, Rothwell Harriers - £1,800 from Wellbeing Funds. This was supported by Members.
o Further to these two applications it was reported that Ward Councillors were working with the organisations to promote physical activity for all.
· Allocations made from Covid Funds.
· Projects approved by Delegated Decision Notice.
· Monitoring information of projects funded by the Community Committee.
· Youth Activity Fund allocations.
In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:
· Further to a request at a meeting of the Local Outbreak Control Board that Youth Activity Funds could be released for covid based initiatives, it was proposed that the Community Committee contact the Executive Member with regards to this. The Chair reported that he would follow this up.
· With regard to Youth Activity Funding it was reported that though the Halloween Festival for Ardsley and Robin Hood did not take place as planned, the funding was used to send out Halloween packs for local children and officers were thanked for their work involved in this.
· Thanks were expressed to Drighlington Food Bank and WF3 Kindness for their work in the Ardsley and Robin Hood area.
· Money Buddies – further information was requested with regards to the sessions provided by Money Buddies and their financial gains measurement which was referred to within the report.
· The pandemic hadn’t stopped all youth activities taking place and activities had been provided throughout. Care needed to be taken over spending of the Youth Activities Fund due to the support the spending provided for young people and their families. Consideration needed to be given to the use of Youth Activities for young people during the Christmas break and February half term.
· Concern that proposed budget cuts are aimed at activities that young people are involved with and that future costs for young people’s provision may escalate. It was suggested that any monies should be held in reserve for spending on young people’s activity.
· It was reported that the new SID on Rein Road had been successful and that another one in the following direction would be useful.
Members were also made aware of spending on small grants and skips. Details of the Capital Budget and Community Infrastructure Levy budget balances were reported.
(1) That details of the Wellbeing Budget position be noted.
(2) That details of the Covid 19 Budget position be noted.
(3) That the following Wellbeing proposals be approved:
o Rothwell Junior Park Run - £2,000 (£1,000 from Wellbeing Funds and £1,000 from Youth Activity Funds)
o Access to Track Training, Rothwell Harriers - £1,800 from Wellbeing Funds.
(4) That details of projects approved via Delegated Decision be noted.
(5) That monitoring information of funded projects be noted.
(6) That details of the Youth Activities Fund be noted.
(7) That details of the Small Grants Budget be noted.
(8) That details of the Capital Budget be noted.
(9) That details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget be noted.
Supporting documents: