To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Stronger Communities
The report of the Head of Stronger Communities brought Members’ attention to an update of the work which the Communities Team was engaged in, based on priorities identified by the Community Committee. It also provided opportunity for further questioning, or to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.
Bali Birdi, Localities Officer presented the report.
The following was discussed:
· Children & Families – Councillor Hayden thanked all those involved for the delivery of Christmas boxes. The Youth Summit would be held in the New Year and young people involved in Youth Service activities would be invited to participate. The Summit would be held remotely. The Kicks Programme in Halton Moor had re-commenced following the recent lockdown.
· Richard Cracknell, Area Voice & Influence Co-ordinator gave an update on the forthcoming Youth Summit. It would be held on 26 January 2021 and communication had been held with young people to participate or contribute to the event.
· Heather Ashby, Anti-Social Behaviour Team Supervisor addressed the Committee and gave an update on the work of the Anti-Social Behaviour Team. There had been an increase in cases around the Halloween/Bonfire period and the team continued to work in conjunction with the police and youth service. With regard to a query regarding Leedswatch and a recent issue with CCTV cameras that had not been working, it was reported that a response would be provided following the meeting.
· Employment, Skills and Welfare – basic key skills training and matching people to job vacancies were highlighted.
· Health and Wellbeing – Covid testing details across the City and opportunities for new health facilities and the challenge to meet provision over the next ten to fifteen years were highlighted. Members were also informed of the position with Stay Well Winter Grants.
· Piers Donno-Fuller, Housing Manager updated the Committee on Housing Services. Issues highlighted included the recommencement of work such as estate inspections, property viewing and doorstep rent collection. There had been an increase in arrears and the appropriate support was being offered where needed. There were still challenges with void properties and lettings.
· Jo Horsfall of Crossgates Good Neighbours briefed the Committee on work carried out since the start of the pandemic. This had included being a lead volunteer hub and had overseen tasks such as prescription collection, food collection, collection shopping, dog walking and befriending services. The Committee was also informed of Christmas arrangements which would include the distribution of presents and provision of lunches and Christmas dinners to members. Members expressed their thanks to Jo and all at Crossgates Good Neighbours for their work. Thanks were also extended to other Neighbourhood Networks in the area.
· Deeta Tren-Humphries and Denise Kempton updated the Committee on Youth Service activity in the area. Teams had been out working in the area, carrying out welfare checks and engagement where possible. Mobile provision had not always been available due to restrictions. Further issues discussed included responding to anti-social behaviour, delivery of Christmas activity packs and plans to resume provision when restrictions were lifted. Deeta and Denise were thanked for their work with the challenging circumstances.
· Community engagement and social media update.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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