Agenda item

HMO, PBSA and Co-Living Amenity Standards SPD

The report of the Chief Planning Officer provides Members with an overview of the draft SPD. It sets out the context for the SPD, guidance contained within the SPD and the plans for upcoming public consultation.


The report outlines the commitment that a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be prepared to establish space, light and ventilation (amenity) standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA). Proposals for a new co-living model are beginning to emerge in Leeds and there is an opportunity for standards to be introduced for this form of living through the new SPD.


(Report, Appendix 1 – draft SPD and Appendix 2 – Consultation Plan attached)



The report of the Chief Planning Officer, informed Members that a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared to establish space, light and ventilation (amenity) standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA). Proposals for a new co-living model are beginning to emerge in Leeds and there is an opportunity for standards to be introduced for this form of living through the new SPD.


Appended to the submitted report included the draft SPD (at Appendix 1) and the Consultation Plan (at Appendix 2).


The Senior Planner (City Development) introduced the report, explaining there had been a growing concern in Leeds regarding the standard of living for residents and the impact on health and wellbeing; becoming more prevalent over the duration of the pandemic. Preparations included cross Council working and informal engagement / raising awareness with key stakeholders, the universities, PBSA providers and their representatives and landlords’ groups. The following had been highlighted:



·  Sets space standards for 2 types of student accommodation – ‘cluster flats’ and self-contained studio units;

·  Sets space requirements for different facilities in the development;

·  Considerations around the overall quality and layout of bedrooms;

·  Ensure all habitable rooms have access to daylight;

·  Sets standards for ventilation;

·  Privacy and amenity space considerations.



·  HMOs are not subject to NDSS requirements in the Core Strategy Policy H9 as the fall within the C4 or sui generis use class – there is increased awareness that landlords are letting very small rooms;

·  Whilst the SPD relates to new applications for HMOs only, the private sector housing team are preparing space guidance that will help coordinate a joined up approach;

·  The space required varies depending on which element of the HMO is shared and the number of bed spaces;

·  Sets standards for access to light and ventilation;

·  Ensure bedrooms have a good level of outlook.


Co-Living Proposals

·  Key considerations around minimum room sizes, the levels of communal facilities / space and the distribution of the shared facilities;

·  The standards for light and ventilation follow those set out for PBSA developments;

·  Co-living developments will provide garden space and outside space;

·  Schemes to provide a good level of outlook and not affecting privacy of neighbouring properties.


The Panel discussed the following matters:

·  Clarity on Permitted Development (PD) Rights – it was confirmed that although a prior approval for PD could not be affected, the Government had introduced, with effect from 6 April 2021 that all PD schemes to nationally accord with the Nationally Described Space Standards which are equivalent to  Policy H9;

·  Parking concerns – it was confirmed that a separate adopted Leeds Parking SPD addressed HMO requirements, and can be referenced in the SPD. Additionally, the Transport SPD was still in the consultation process;

·  Addressing energy efficiency requirements – this would be captured as part of the Local Plan Update, and can be referenced in the SPD;

·  Good examples of PBSA accommodation had been acknowledged, whilst bedroom sizes remained a concern for Members.



a)  To note the contents of the report, the plans for formal public consultation, as well as related discussions during the meeting;

b)  To endorse the draft SPD for public consultation.


Supporting documents: