Agenda item

Local Plan Update

The report of the Chief Planning Officer provides the latest update on the LPU and provides Panel members with the emerging position on possible future policy approaches within the LPU on topics that have so far not been considered. Topics include flood risk, sustainable infrastructure (including HS2, digital connectivity, mass transit and Leeds Bradford Airport) and strategic place-making.  Information is set out within the main body of the report including relevant policy background, possible future policy approaches and questions to be raised at consultation.


It is then proposed to bring together the draft consultation material together, in time for the March meeting of Development Plan Panel.



Further to the minutes of the meeting held 3rd November 2020, the report of the Chief Planning Officer updated Members on the emerging position on the scope of a Local Plan Update, which will set out which policy areas should be the focus of a policy update, around an overall broad objective of responding to the Climate Emergency.  The meeting discussed policy approaches within the LPU on topics that have so far not been considered including flood risk, sustainable infrastructure (including HS2, digital connectivity, mass transit and Leeds Bradford Airport) and strategic place-making.  It was noted that these are not draft polices at this stage and public views are being sought on whether these are the right policy topics to focus on.


The report contains information that will be included in public consultation on the scope of the Local Plan Update.  This includes relevant policy background, possible future policy approaches and questions to be raised at consultation. The report seeks to bring together the draft consultation material in time for the Development Plan Panel to be held in March 2021, before seeking approval for consultation at Executive Board on the 17th March 2021. Consultation is anticipated to commence after the Local Government Elections in May.


Appended to the submitted report lists potential consultation questions.


The Group Manager (Policy and Plans) introduced the report and provided a PowerPoint presentation, with an overview of:

·  Policy topics covered at the Development Plan Panel meeting in November 2020;

·  An example of a ‘Plan on a Page’ as a result of streamlining information for members of the public to more easily engage with;

·  Benefits of the Policy Options and proposed consultation questions in relation to the topic areas were highlighted as follows:

Flood Risk

Avoiding development in flood risk areas – Strategic Flood Risk Assessments (SFRA) are being updated to be completed by summer 2021

Functional Floodplain – the updated SFRA has a critical role in defining the Functional Floodplain and may impact development in those areas

Surface Water Flooding and Sustainable Drainage – the benefits of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in new development and considerations around strengthening existing policy in relation to infiltration rates, identifying source locations for flooding, reducing speed of run-off through tree planting and reviewing minimum standards

Permitted Development Rights (especially for Front Gardens) – considerations around how to keep soft landscaping in front gardens and avoid impermeable paving over of front gardens through options including removing Permitted Development rights in new development

Strategic Place-Making

20 minute neighbourhoods – a new vision that aligns with existing Council priorities, that maximises opportunities for active travel by focusing on hubs and service centres. The consultation will seek to understand stakeholders’ views, on how it can be applied to planning policy in Leeds

Sustainable Infrastructure

High Speed 2 and Leeds Station – the proposed policy could help guide growth in Leeds station, identify development opportunities associated with HS2, maximise opportunities for green, key pedestrian and cycle infrastructure

Mass Transit – whilst it is a WYCA led initiative that is in its early stages, a policy on Mass Transit shows strategic support in the LPU and can potentially protect route(s)

Leeds Bradford Airport – views on a review of policy SP12 will be sought as requested by Full Council.

Digital Infrastructure – whilst policy SP8 provides general support in recognising reliable digital connectivity is essential for Leeds’ economy, additional detail for new developments is required, particularly in relation to embedding technological infrastructure at the outset

·  How the LPU fits together in terms of the climate emergency, updates to the Core Strategy and Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan and the inter-relationship between the 5 topic areas;

·  Proposed Next Steps – to bring draft consultation papers to the Development Plan Panel meeting on the 2nd March, prior to seeking approval for consultation at Executive Board on the 17th March 2021.


The Chair highlighted the possibility of the local elections being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Panel shared a general consensus that the Local Plan Update should not be delayed as a result of this. The Chief Planning Officer confirmed that officers are seeking to move the process forward, in terms of the technical work; regardless of whether the consultation period will be deferred.


Members discussed a number of matters including:

·  Policy wording in terms of flood mitigation, including the exploration of extending flood risk zones and discouraging development in high risk zones. It was acknowledged that policies required to be easily understood and robust and specific detail in terms of those policies would be considered after the scope of the Plan had been determined. In terms of stopping developments in high risk areas, it was noted that large parts of the city centre were in zones 3a and met aspects of the 20 minute neighbourhoods, a balance needed to be taken when considering these options;

·  The removal of permitted development rights for new developments and considerations around the retrofit of existing housing stock. Members were informed that Article 4 directions had not yet been considered, and that views would need to be captured from stakeholders during the consultation period;

·  Clarity on 20 minute neighbourhoods, with focus on distances to schools. Whilst acknowledging the difficulties in terms of service delivery across outer areas, 20 minute connectivity included walking, cycling and public transport and promoted active travel;

·  The tension between local and national polices with emphasis on the need to provide clarity on powers and resources of Local Government, and other tiers of Government, WYCA and Mayoral Authorities;

·  Encouraging developers to meet climate emergency ambitions prior to the policies being implemented;

·  Clarity on the legal status on applying weight on the proposed policies. It was noted that full weight could only be applied to policies adopted in the existing Local Plan. However, it was noted that as part of the Local Plan Update fully drafted policies can gain more weight at advanced stages of plan making subject to the level of objection received and their fit with national policy;

·  Review of mitigation for water runoff;

·  Review of current road networks particularly in terms of main arterial routes. The Executive Member provided an overview of the public transport improvement programme, the options in terms of schemes seeking funding and consultation in relation to the Transport Strategy;

·  Increasing demand for digital infrastructure and recognising the importance in planning policy promoting the need for digital inclusion.


The Panel broadly supported the proposed approaches and noted their comments would be built into additional work, prior to receiving draft consultation material at the Panel meeting to be held March 2021.



a)  To note the contents of the report

b)  To note that comments provided during discussions would help form part of the draft policy scope of the Local Plan

c)  To note the intention to receive the draft consultation material at the upcoming Development Plan Panel meeting in March 2021


Supporting documents: