Agenda item


To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer which requests Members consideration for the demolition of existing building and construction of a new two storey dwelling at, 33 Sandmoor Drive, Alwoodley, Leeds, LS17 7DF.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer requested Members consideration on an application seeking full planning permission for demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a new two storey residential dwelling at 33 Sandmoor Drive, Alwoodley, LS17 7DF.


Slides and photographs were shown throughout the presentation.


The Plans Panel were informed of the following points:

·  The proposal mainly sits within the current footprint of the dwelling already on the site;

·  Proposal requires the removal of three trees but this is subject to the requirement that there will be replacement of trees on a 3:1 basis in accordance with Council policy requirements.

·  The Tree officer had been informed, and was of the view that the trees had no amenity value. Officers had sought to protect as many trees as possible including the protection of the roots; Members noted that the site is screened by a small coppice of trees to the front and side of the site;

·  A brief history of the site in relation to previous planning applications was provided. It was noted that a previous application for three apartments had been refused by Members, but had subsequently been approved by the Planning Inspector. Members noted that the proposed dwelling would have slightly more bulk and massing than the previous application for the apartments;

·  The proposal was for a gabled frontage and rooms to be located within the roof space, which is not unusual in this location;

·  Further the design and materials proposed are such that the dwelling would not unduly impact on the existing street-scene or be in any way in ‘conflict’ in design terms with existing, established dwellings in the vicinity;

·  A little more glazing to the rear of the dwelling was proposed than the level of glazing incorporated into the existing dwelling.


In response to questions from Members the Plans Panel were informed of the following:

·  This application had been brought to Plans Panel at the request of the local ward member Cllr Buckley. Concerns raised by Cllr Buckley were highlighted on page 16 of the agenda pack. It was noted that officers and the Member had not met to discuss the Member’s concerns; 

·  The proposal is of a modern design, while a number of those properties surrounding the proposed dwelling are in the arts and crafts style but officers are not of the view that the modernity of the design here would adversely impact the overall street-scene;

·  The Neighbourhood Plan and its relevant policies are a material consideration that needs to be taken into account in the decision-making.  The Plan’s relevant policies seek to maintain the character of the area. In this part of Alwoodley, that has largely related to the context of a number of plots in the location having changed from single dwellings to multiple dwellings. So there is a concern regarding intensification of use, but this does not arise here.

·  In addition, apartment conversions often result in a very different design approach compared to single dwellings.  Officers therefore consider fenestrations, windows and doors etc on new applications. It was noted that this proposal was of modern design but using traditional materials which complies with the Neighbourhood Plan;

·  It was noted that objectors to the proposals are given the opportunity to speak at Plans Panels. The deadline is 5pm on the Tuesday prior to the meeting, however Planning Chairs are usually flexible with this deadline. To this end, Councillor Buckley had not expressed a desire to speak to bring his objections to Panel following the initial concerns raised. There were no objectors attending to speak against the application;

·  Members were advised that if in future an application proposes the split of the dwelling into flats then it is likely this would be brought back for determination, but at the current time the proposal before Members for determination was that for demolition of the existing building and construction of a new two-storey dwelling;

·  Members were informed that there are two applications on record for domestic extensions to the existing building. It was noted that a site can have many permissions at the same time and it is at the applicant’s discretion which it decides to implement. Officers were unsure why this site had so many applications or why the previous application for apartments had not gone ahead;

·  It was noted that Planning officers did not have the capacity to respond to all objectors’ concerns, however objectors are notified that the application is due to come to Plans Panel and given the opportunity to speak if they wish to do so;

·  Further, the public consultation process is the statutory method via which views are sought in relation to an application / proposal and which then (along with consultee responses) are to be taken into account as part of the overall decision-making process.  Public consultation is not, however, designed to open up a dialogue between Planning officers and supporters for and / or objectors to a proposal;

·  The scheme is compliant with sufficient parking provision;

·  Electric Vehicle Points were to be installed and this would form part of the conditions. Conditions would also be imposed for trees to be planted in place of those trees lost, with a 3 for 1 ratio;

·  Risk assessment in relation to flooding risks had been undertaken with no issues highlighted and officers within the Flood Risk Management team had also not raised any concerns as part of the consultation process.


Members requested two additional conditions be added in relation to water butts and use of porous surfaces on the hard-standing areas.


RESOLVED - To grant planning permission for the replacement dwelling in accordance with the officer recommendation and subject to additional conditions requiring:

·  The provision of water butts

·  The use of porous surfaces to be used on the hard-standing areas


Supporting documents: