Agenda item

Application 20/05885/FU – Phase 2 of the Kirkstall Forge Development (Plots E and F), Kirkstall Forge, Abbey Road

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding reserved matters approval comprising 213 houses and apartments (Use Class C3), circa 2,400 square metres of commercial space, (Use Classes A1, and/or A2, and/or A3, and/or A4, and/or A5, and/or B1, and/or D1, and/or D2), amenity space and a new public square.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a reserved matters application for 213 houses and apartments (Use Class C3), up to 2,076 square metres of commercial space (Use Classes A1, and/or A2, and/or A3, and/or A4, and/or A5, and/or B1, and/or D1, and/or D2), amenity space and a new public square for phase 2 of the Kirkstall Forge Development (Plots E and F), Kirsktall Forge, Abbey Road, Leeds.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  There had been two previously approved applications for these plots in 2017 and 2018. 

·  The commercial floor space provision was up to 2,076 square metres and not 2,400 metres as detailed in the report.

·  Access arrangements to and within the site.

·  The application site was set between the new internal road and the A65 with an established line of Woodland on the side of the A65.

·  Creation of the ‘stitch’ which would be a public realm and pedestrian access area.

·  The plots were situated above the already developed office block which was situated between the plots and the rail station.

·  The proposals were very similar to the previously approved applications.  Details of the previously approved applications were displayed and changes to the applications explained.  Main alterations included changes to the blocks E2 and E3 at either side of the pavilion building and the stitch.  Comparison images were displayed.

·  Car parking – reference was made to parking and travel arrangements.  It was proposed that there be a further condition to the application for a Travel Plan and Parking Strategy.

·  Floor layouts for the apartments were displayed.

·  Design detail to reflect the history of Kirkstall Forge.

·  CGI images of how the proposals would look when completed were displayed.

·  It was recommended that the application be approved with the additional condition for a travel plan.


In response to questions and comments, the following was discussed:


·  It had not been necessary to carry out any projected wind modelling on the proposals.

·  Recreation - there would be opportunities within the pocket park for children’s play area and opportunity for woodland and canal side walks.

·  Design of the apartments.  Apartments would be larger than the national space standard requirement.

·  There would be secure long term storage for 229 bicycles with an additional 31 short stay spaces.  Electric bicycle charging could be considered in the scheme.

·  Balconies to apartments would be large enough to accommodate a table and chairs and provide a suitable amenity space.

·  Car parking – residents would be aware of whether they had facility for parking before taking on their accommodation.  The rental market showed a lower demand for parking spaces.  Should there be additional demand for parking, the travel plan would include arrangements for additional provision.  The main aim was to promote and encourage sustainable travel.

·  With regard to Policy EN1, reference was made to the requirement to carry out a sustainability appraisal.  An energy statement had been provided which gave ideas as to how this policy would be met.  There would be a range of measures and there was confidence that policy requirements would be met by condition.

·  It was felt that the housing mix was policy compliant and with this revision of the scheme there had been a move to introduce more 3 bedroom apartments.

·  There would be the required amount of disabled parking spaces and these would be located in accessible positions.

·  The children’s play area would be located in the pocket park.  The pocket park would also have landscaped walks.

·  Bicycle charging points would be available within the storage areas and in the stitch square.

·  With regards to Policy EN1 and EN2 the scheme preceded the Core Strategy.  Information was shown to demonstrate the targets to reduce carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy and would be in excess of policy requirements.  The energy strategy for the scheme and sustainability statement submitted also addressed policy requirements.

·  The provision of traditional style play equipment for the children’s play area could be considered.

·  Design of the buildings and materials used.

·  Members broadly supported the application although some concern was expressed about policy compliance in relation to Policies EN1 and EN2 and the housing mix.

·  Members were reminded that permission had previously been approved for a very similar scheme and that the reserved matters would be dealing with siting of the buildings, design and development, external appearance of buildings and landscaping.


RESOLVED - That Reserved Matters approval be granted (the details relating to the siting, design, external appearance and landscaping of the development) subject to the conditions set out in the report and a condition to cover the following matter:


·  The submission and approval of a Travel Plan and Parking Management Strategy.



Supporting documents: