The report of the Chief Planning Officer set
out an application for reserved matters approval (appearance,
landscaping, layout, and scale) for 163 dwellings pursuant to
planning permission 15/05484/OT at Land off Church Lane,
Micklefield Leeds
Members were advised that the presentation for
all the items was slightly different to that in their agenda pack.
It had been noted that the quality of the slides was not good and
additional slides had also been added.
Members were advised of the following
Clarification on Condition 2 was need to secure both landscaping
details and also the long term maintenance;
Another Condition was suggested in relation to access control
measures to the public rights of way with details to be agreed with
Public Rights of Way officers;
Additional comments had been received from the Parish Council in
relation to the 1.5 metre wide footpath to the Southern public
right of way. It was noted that this should be 2 metres in
accordance with the section 106 agreement, this had now been
The Parish Council welcomed the opportunity for consultation on
proposals for planting on the Southern boundary;
The Parish Council accepted that a number of their concerns had
been dealt with in the revised plans. However, there were still
issues in relation to density, materials and the quantity and
quality of the new play facility;
3 additional comments had been received, 2 were from residents who
had previously commented. Their concerns related to the attenuation
basin and whether it would be safe and how it would look, the
relationship between the new houses and the bungalow, and proposed
pedestrian link on Church Lane;
New comments had been received in relation to hedgehogs in the area
which regularly visit residents’ gardens. They raised
concerns about the boundary treatments and that appropriate holes
should be provided for the hedgehogs to gain access. It was noted
that this would be picked up as part of Condition 11 and had been
referenced in the submitted report;
It was noted there was a proposal for 2 additional pedestrian
access links to the East and North of the site. These would be
Members were informed of the following
- This site proposed 163 units which
had been reduced from 172 units;
- The applicant had agreed to move
some garden boundaries further into the site so that existing track
could be made wider to retain
- Proposal for two Public Open Spaces,
one would have play equipment on it, with the other having a dual
use as an open area and for use as part of the drainage
- Condition 2 proposed buffer planting
along the boundary;
- Proposed play equipment was for a
log cabin and trim trail to be picked up as part of Condition
- The proposal for drainage would
include underground tanks, with a basin used for severe flooding
issues. It was noted that the total depth would be 1.3 metres with
the bankings to the side being 1:3,
which Members were advised is similar to the Allerton Bywater
Millennium Village;
- The materials for the site still to
be finalised. Concerns have been taken into account and it is
proposed that the dwellings fronting on to Church Lane would be of
red brick. It is proposed that dwellings with chimneys would be
sporadically placed throughout the site.
The local Ward Member was in attendance and
informed the Panel of the following points:
- This site had first been allocated
in 1990 as part of the Site Allocation Plan, such that the
principle of housing development taking place on the site was now
to be accepted and that permission had already been granted.
- He recognised the revisions which
had taken place, but still had objections on the basis of
density. Originally this site had been
set out for 150 units, but with the current revisions proposed it
would not sit comfortably within its surroundings and that this
site was not in keeping with the area of Micklefield.
- The materials proposed did not
include any natural stone which is a feature of the Village. The
public open space was welcomed as there was a need for this in the
area, however, he did have concerns in relation to one of the
spaces being used for drainage attenuation.
- It was not felt that the attenuation
basin would only be filled (and so not
available for use as greenspace) on such an occasional basis as had
been suggested, especially given issues of flooding in recent
- He was unable to comment on the
proposed play equipment as he had only received the email in
relation to this on Tuesday, and had not had enough time to consult
with residents.
Responding to questions from Members, the Ward
Member provided the following information:
- He was of the view that residents
had not been given adequate time to consider the proposed play
- He had concerns in relation to the
dual use of one of the open spaces and how often this area would be
usable. There was a need for green spaces in this area for children
to play, but this was unlikely to provide a flat or suitable area
to be easily used for play and it could regularly actually need to
function as an attenuation basin – so would be unsuitable for
play or use as open space at this time.
- The roads within the estate need to
be wide enough for 2 way traffic.
- Accepted that there had been
significant changes made to the proposal and some concerns had been
alleviated. However, concerns still
remained regarding the density, functionality of the access-way,
materials proposed to be used, and whether the development proposed
would sensitively respond to its surroundings.
Mr Jonathan Dunbavin – the agent for Avant Homes –
was in attendance at the meeting and advised the Panel of the
following points:
- The applicant had engaged with
residents, local councillors and the Parish Council at all stages
since the application had been submitted, also including having
reached out to the local Ward Member to address some of his
- The proposed density had been
reduced from 172 units to 163 units. The application was to provide
32 dwellings per hectare, which was not excessive and was policy
- The density proposed for sites in
the SAP is indicative only, such that it based on a simple
calculation and multiplier of the site area. It is only when a
detailed layout is developed that an exact figure can be
reached. As noted, the 32 dwellings per
hectare figure achieved here was in accordance with Policy H3 of
the Core Strategy.
- Church Lane dwellings would be in
red brick, which is actually predominant in the area, but with buff
coloured bricks used as well throughout the site as a nod to the
limestone magnesium properties which are found in the historic core
of Micklefield;
- The attenuation system would be
rarely used with the green space being available to use 99.9% of
the time.
- The application was policy compliant
with the number of affordable houses and in accordance with space
In response to questions from Members, Mr
Dunbavin informed the Panel of the
following points:
- The greenspace area which has dual
purpose needs to be located at the lowest part of the site to aid
water drainage;
- The location of all the greenspaces
to be provided across the site will ensure all residents have
greenspace in close proximity to their dwellings and the
orientation proposed is felt to be appropriate.
- The chimneys have been placed on
dwellings in key locations throughout the site and are felt to add
to variety in the overall streetscene.
Chimneys are not prevalent in all of Micklefield;
- The play equipment proposed is based
on designs that are implemented at sites throughout the
UK. It is sustainable, durable and
- The affordable houses are the 1, 2,
and 3 bedroom properties as this had been requested to meet local
need. It was noted that the applicant had been working with the
proposed registered provider (Yorkshire Housing) and they had given
a clear steer in this regard.
- A detailed ecological survey had
been completed, which identified that the site was relatively
‘neutral’ in terms of biodiversity – due to it
being -used as agricultural land.
However, the applicant would be happy to address the concerns of
Parish Council in relation to wildlife habitat and could provide a
Biodiversity Enhancement Plan if this was necessary.
- A flood risk assessment has been
completed. This would be a dry basin which would only hold water
for a limited period during periods of heavy rainfall. This was
typical of a sustainable site and creates the much needed open
space. It was noted that drainage would be better than that of many
football pitches which have no drainage and so can often be
- The rooms and overall size of the
properties was fully compliant with current space standards, both
in terms of national requirements and the Council’s own
Officers responding to questions from Members
provided the following information:
It was noted that the recreation area close to the site was used by
the school but were unsure if they had exclusive use of the
area. It was noted that the area was
gated. The Ward Member informed the Panel that the school was due
to become an academy and this could change the use of the
recreation area;
There is no Neighbourhood Plan for Micklefield;
Updates on the proposed revisions had been provided to Ward Members
in February, however there had been more recent updates provided to
Members, including relating to the proposed play equipment;
Ward Members had also been informed of the proposed revisions at
this time, but had not refreshed or revised any of their previous
comments on the application proposals;
While the additional detail regarding the play equipment had
relatively recently been received, it would in any event be
controlled by way of condition – this would form part of
Condition 11. This could give the
opportunity for Ward Members, the Parish Council and local
residents to be involved in further discussions as part of the
condition discharge process.
The finer elements of the drainage system are still to be looked at
via conditions on the outline permission which could consider
permeable paving, and water butts for each property but the general
strategy to use a combination of underground tanks and an
attenuation basic was considered acceptable.
Members’ discussions included the number
of properties put forward in relation to the Site Allocation Plan.
Planning officers confirmed that proposed housing numbers in the
Site Allocation Plan are indicative.
Officers provided further information on numbers put forward and
calculations / metrics involved when determining housing numbers as
part of the Site Allocation Plan, but confirmed that a slightly
higher density had been provisionally suggested was formally
proposed.. The number of units proposed
per hectare as part of this development is policy compliant.
RESOLVED – To defer for
further discussion on the density of the site, proposed housing
numbers, and spatial setting of proposed dwellings.