Agenda item

Digital Inclusion

To receive a report from the Chief Digital and Information Officer updating the Board on progress towards making Leeds a digitally inclusive city for everyone.


The report of the Chief Digital and Information Officer provided the Board with an update on the Council’s and City’s progress towards making Leeds the most digitally inclusive city for everyone.  It highlighted the System Leadership role of the 100% Digital Leeds team working with colleagues from the NHS, health and care, the third sector and the Wider Council.


The following were in attendance for this item:


-  Councillor James Lewis – Leader of the Council

-  Councillor Mary Harland, Executive Board Member for Economy & Culture

-  Leonardo Tantari – Chief Digital & Information Officer

-  Stephen Blackburn – Digital & Innovation Manager

-  Jason Tutin – Digital & Learning Development Manager

-  Ali Kaye, Leeds Older People’s Forum

-  Caroline Otienno, Leeds Community Healthcare


The following was highlighted:


  • The growth of digital inclusion during the pandemic and the impact of the pandemic on those who were digitally excluded.
  • The role of community organisations in supporting people and how the Digital Leeds team supported those organisations to assist with digital inclusion.
  • How to evidence the growth in digital inclusion and how digital inclusion could support organisations and communities.
  • The use of digital inclusion in reducing health inequalities – access to services and support for self-management.
  • Access to equipment, connectivity and other barriers to digital inclusion.
  • Work with other partners and the creation of a Digital Inclusion toolkit.
  • The Board was informed of the work carried out with Leeds Older Peoples Forum.  There had been a phenomenal demand for supporting older people to become digitally inclusive during the pandemic.  Reference was made to the need to support staff within the organisations that supported older people and the outcomes achieved.
  • Work with Leeds Community Healthcare – development and implementation of virtual consultation.  Numbers of virtual consultations had gone from 137 in April 2020 to over 3,000 in February 2021.  There was a need to ensure that digital options were available to as many people as possible.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


  • Concerns regarding the sharing of sensitive data and scams with the rise in people accessing digital services and what safeguarding measures are in place.  Work had been done with children and young people particularly those who had previously not accessed online services.  There had also been work with adults with learning disabilities and their carers.  There was a need to work with staff and volunteers of third sector organisations to promote online safety.
  • Loaned out electronic equipment and the upkeep and maintenance of this equipment along with security of the equipment.  There had been an increase in the number of lending schemes provided by community organisations. The Council were due to review the provision of loaned out equipment.
  • The need to be able to have a choice between digital services and face to face when normal services are resumed and the use of a blended approach.
  • Data poverty and the provision of Wi-Fi for all.  Details of schemes and work with housing and the Digital Leeds team were reported as well as work at national level and discussions with broadband providers.
  • Getting to support people who were not being reached by other organisations.
  • Future provision for children without provision at home – work was being carried out on a regional basis.
  • Language barriers - work had been carried out with third sector organisations and other organisations who support those who didn’t use English as a first language to address this.
  • Thanks were expressed to all who had been involved in supporting the growth of Digital Inclusion in Leeds.
  • Sustainability of the 100% Digital Leeds initiative – there was a priority to restructure the digital teams.




(1)  That the strategic priorities of the 100% Digital Leeds programme to make Leeds the most digitally inclusive city for everyone be endorsed.

(2)  That the significant achievements to date of the 100% Digital Leeds team and their work with partners from all sectors to increase digital inclusion across the City be recognised.

(3)  That it be agreed that the 100% Digital Leeds team continues its systems leadership role for digital inclusion on behalf of the Council and the City, with the strategic priorities, leadership and governance for 100% Digital Leeds being formally managed by DIS.

(4)  That the Board continues to provide oversight of the 100% Digital Leeds programme by receiving progress reports.



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