Agenda item

Application 20/04812/FU – Land Adjacent the Gables, 229 Hall Lane, Horsforth.

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a detached house with a car port.




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a detached, house with detached car port at land adjacent to The Gables, 229 Hall Lane, Horsforth.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The following was highlighted:


  • The application was brought to Panel at the request of Ward Councillors due to potential impact on the highway.
  • Previous applications at the site had been withdrawn and refused following officer concerns.
  • Access to the site would be off Hall Lane and not the A65 as previously proposed.  Previous applications had been withdrawn or refused due to highways concerns.  There had been changes to previous proposals with the access now to be sited further away from the existing parking spaces on Hall Road.
  • Retention of trees on the site.
  • The re-siting of the access had improved visibility for access to the site.
  • Details of the proposed house were displayed and the relationship with other properties.
  • There was no impact on residential amenity.
  • The application was recommended for approval.


A local Ward Councillor and Town Councillor addressed the Panel with objections to the application.  The following was highlighted:


  • Ward Councillors had concerns with the main issues relating to traffic.  It was likely that vehicles would have to reverse out of this site and visibility was impeded by parking arrangements on Hall Lane.
  • There had been a request for reduction of the speed limit on Hall Lane to 20 MPH.
  • The close proximity of the property to the busy junction with the A65.
  • Quality of life for others would be impeded due to the size of the property.
  • The decisions of the Horsforth Town Council Planning Committee should be supported.  These referred to the over development of the site and concerns regarding parking and traffic flows.
  • There was a high volume of traffic during peak traffic times.
  • The only change to the previously refused applications had been a small movement in the access/exit to the site.  This did not offer greatly improved visibility and was closer to the junction with the A65.  The traffic was also reviewed during the lockdown period and did not reflect usual traffic levels.



The applicant’s agent addressed the Panel.  The applicant lived in the Gables and the proposed development was in the garden area to the side.  The development would not be inappropriate to the area or have a negative impact.  The development was not for financial gain but a self-build project to remain in the family for the foreseeable future.  With regards to previous applications that had been withdrawn or refused there had been issues surrounding the parking spaces on Hall Lane.  This revised design was submitted following further consultation with officers.  There would be space within the site for vehicles to turn round.  There would be no adverse impact on the living conditions of neighbouring properties.


In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:


  • Vehicles that were travelling towards the property would be moving towards the other side of the road if the parking bays were being used and this would maintain visibility when exiting the site.
  • Average traffic speeds had been noted to be between 15 and 20 MPH.
  • There had not been any accidents reported since 2012.
  • There would be sufficient turning space within the property to turn vehicles so they could enter the site in forward gear.
  • There was sufficient parking space within the proposals and in accordance with guidelines.
  • Traffic exiting the A65 onto Hall Road naturally decelerated and there were signposts signifying the change in the speed limit.
  • The yellow lines were mainly in the lines of highway safety and to maintain visibility for entering and exiting other properties.
  • The on street parking bays had been provided for local residents.
  • If it was considered to be appropriate, a condition could be made to increase the existing hedge to provide further screening of the proposed property.
  • Concern regarding the speed of traffic coming off Rawdon Road.
  • Concern regarding parking.


RESOLVED – That the permission be granted subject to the conditions outlined in the report and an additional condition with regards to extending the hedging.



Supporting documents: