The report of the Chief Planning Officer
requested Members consideration on an application for the
installation of a hard surfaced Pump Track for use by BMX’s
and other bicycles at Rein Park, The Rein and Kentmere Approach, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14.
The Panel was shown slides and photographs
throughout the presentation.
Members were informed of the following
- A pump track requires people to
create momentum by going up and down mounds;
- This application had been brought to
Panel due to the sensitivity of the proposal;
- The pump track would be located at
the southern end of Rein Park, to the rear of properties located on
The Rein and Kentmere Approach;
- Access to the park was via
‘A’ frames. It was noted that Parks and Countryside are
currently reviewing access at parks, looking at access for all but
also looking at safety. Members were advised that in future the
‘A’ may be made wider to allow access for all;
- The start of the pump track would be
located close to the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) in the park.
Members were advised of the location of a CCTV camera which is
linked to Leeds Watch and would provide coverage of the proposed
track and existing park area;
- The track would be made of crushed
limestone with tarmac to the corners, the jumps and bumps would be
in the downward part of the track. The bumps would be made of earth
and would of the standard recommended to Olympic BMX cycle
- The track would be located at a
minimum of 20 metres from the nearest property on The Rein. No
external lighting would be provided, which would mean that the use
of the track would mainly be in daylight hours;
- As part of the proposal, additional
tree planting would be located to the east and western boundaries,
with full details of this planting required by condition;
- It was acknowledged that a number of
representations had been received in relation to the proposed pump
track, with the main concerns being that the track would cause more
anti-social behaviour and be used by motorcycles and quads. It was
noted that the style of the track would require low speed and
control to be able to manoeuvre the jumps. Those using motorcycles
and quads would require more open space to gain speed;
- The highest aspect of the track
would 2 metres and would be located on the corner sections;
- The Panel were shown photographs of
the pump track at Fearnville.
Miss Edwards a resident of The Rein was in
attendance at the meeting and presented her concerns as
The pump track is too big for the park;
Too close to houses;
Quads and motorcycles could use this track and do use the park
Will attract more anti-social behaviour. Youths gather on the park
and there have been fights, some with knives, and bikes have been
There is already a pump track located at Fearnville which is only half a mile away;
The pump track is too niche and male orientated, the park should be
for everyone.
Mr Woodcock, the applicants’ agent
attended the meeting and provided the following information:
- The pump track had been developed in
consultation with the LS14 Trust, looking at potential improvements
to Rein Park. The consultation began in July 2019, since then there
had been an interactive conversation with over 300 people of all
ages from the local community. There had been an open session at
Kentmere Community Centre, sessions in
the Park, sessions at Bishop Young Academy, the Youth Café
at the LS14 Trust, a questionnaire had also been sent to local
- During the conversation, it was
noted that the community wanted Rein Park to be improved to
include; sport and health, youth provision, a play area, bike
track/skate park, improved infrastructure, a food offering and a
focus on nature;
- Members were advised that there is
currently an application in for the proposed new play area which
includes new toddler facilities, junior play and trim trail
- Within the park there is already a
MUGA , sports pitch, performance area, as well as a picnic area and
footpaths for dog walking and exercising;
- Consultation on the location of the
pump track had been undertaken with local Councillors, residents
and the LS14 Trust;
- It was noted that the location was
20 metres from the boundary line not from the houses, with trees
planted to screen the track from the houses;
- In addressing concerns about
anti-social behaviour Mr Woodcock said that it was well documented
that pump tracks provided something for young people to do to
relieve boredom and stopped them carrying out their frustration
damaging equipment in parks;
- The CCTV camera captures a good
proportion of the pump track area including the upper area near the
Member’s discussions included:
- Funding for the new pump track;
- Discussions and comments from local
Ward Members;
- Feedback from all consultation that
had been undertaken and that all comments had been taken into
- Access to the park in relation to
emergency services;
- It was noted that the track did not
cross any footpaths;
- It was also noted that West
Yorkshire Police had been supportive of the scheme, as it would
deter anti-social behaviour. There was also surveillance from the
CCTV which had been installed for some time;
- Future projects to assist children
and young people to take ownership and pride in the pump
Members recognised the concerns raised in
relation to anti-social behaviour, but were of the view that the
pump track would alleviate boredom, and welcomed this proposal.
RESOLVED – To grant
permission subject to the conditions specified in the submitted