To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking consideration of and agreement to the submission of bids to Round 1 of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF).
The LUF offers Leeds the opportunity to bid for capital investment of up to £20m in each of the parliamentary constituencies covering the city and the Round 1 LUF timetable requires submission of bids by 18th June. The report sets out the proposal for submission of two projects that can be resourced in the time available against the robust programme business case criteria, which would enable the deadline to be met. The proposed projects are considered to meet clear priorities in each of their respective parts of the city and are supported by the Member of Parliament in each case as a priority.
Further to minute 154 of the meeting held 21st April 2021, the Director of City Development submitted a report seeking approval for the submission of two proposed bids to Round 1 of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF). The LUF offers Leeds the opportunity to bid for capital investment of up to £20m in each of the parliamentary constituencies covering the city, with Round 1 bids to be submitted by 18th June 2021.
The report outlined the approach adopted for the selection, consultation and engagement process which had identified the two projects proposed for submission, highlighting that they can both be resourced in the time available against the robust programme business case criteria. It is also considered that the two projects meet clear priorities in each of their respective parts of the city and they are supported by the Member of Parliament in each case as a priority:
· Connecting West Leeds - a new transport infrastructure scheme focusing on multi-modal travel and environmental improvements to the Outer Ring Road between Horsforth and Pudsey; and
· Fearnville Well Being Centre - a new cultural asset scheme focussing on the accelerated delivery of a new Well Being Centre in the Leeds East constituency, including redevelopment of the existing Fearnville Leisure Centre.
In considering the report a Member noted the responsive approach taken by officers during the consultation process in terms of considering suggestions to enhance the contents of each bid.
As part of the discussion, a Member noted the two proposed bids were pre-existing outline schemes/city ambitions and further commented on the impact of the challenging timescale for submission of bids on the opportunity to achieve real Levelling Up across the city.
In respect of a third scheme which is not proposed for submission under Round 1 – Leeds Park City – discussions highlighted the need to consult with MPs and Ward Councillors of all political groups across the city as further work is undertaken.
a) To note the engagement undertaken with Ward Members and Members of Parliament to enable the rapid assessment and prioritisation of opportunities to bid under Round 1 of LUF.
b) Having considered the short-listed proposals, that approval be given for the selection of the Fearnville Well Being Centre in the Leeds East constituency and the Connecting West Leeds in the Pudsey constituency as the Council’s submissions under Round 1 of the LUF, subject to the confirmed prioritisation of the Member of Parliament in each case.
c) That approval be given for the Council to submit a planning application, or applications, as may be required in relation to the Fearnville Well Being Centre to ensure it is in a position to start delivery in the current financial year with the benefit of an approved LUF application.
d) That approval be given to exempt the resolutions arising from the submitted report from the Call In process, as detailed within this minute and for the reasons set out in paragraph 21 of the report, due to the risk that the 18th June 2021 deadline for submission of the bid could be missed.
e) That approval be given to the development of a Leeds Park City themed project as a potential strategic approach to new and improved parks and green spaces, well-being and green infrastructure investments, in consultation with Ward Members and MPs.
f) To note the intention to further engage with Ward Members and MPs and to bring forward a further report on the selection and submission of bids under future rounds of the LUF in other constituencies across the city, subject to the issuing of further guidelines and programme by government.
(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (d) above, and for the reasons as detailed within paragraph 21 of the submitted report)
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