To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Reserved Matters Application for appearance, scale and landscaping for Phase 3 development of Blocks B and C for 331 build to rent units and ancillary accommodation together with Class A1 and A3 use and the provision of public realm areas with the Phase 3 area pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 14/06534/OT - Quarry Hill St Peters Street Leeds LS2 7UP.
(Report attached)
The Chief Planning Officer presented a report on a reserved matters application for appearance, scale and landscaping for phase 3 development of Blocks B and C for 331 build to rent units and ancillary accommodation together with Class A1 and A3 use and the provision of public realm areas with the phase 3 area pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 14/06534/OT - Quarry Hill St Peters Street Leeds LS2 7UP.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The Planning Officer provided the Panel with the following information:
Responding to questions from Members the Panel were informed of the following points:
· There is no proposed change to the arrangements to control the management and pricing of the multi-storey car park which is controlled through the outline consent. However, the developers were of the view that it was not economically viable at this present time to deliver the multi-storey car park whilst there was available funding and market demand to deliver the residential development on phase 3. It was noted within the report that there was alternative available parking in the area.
· Although St Peters Street and St Cecilia Street would be the routes used for delivery vehicles and car access, pedestrians and cyclists would also be able to use the proposed public realm through the site. It was considered that cyclists would be able to use the public realm with no adverse impact on pedestrians
· The Council’s Design Consultant eased concerns in relation to the extent and appearance of the cladding to the eastern elevation of block B, explaining that this was not a principle elevation with limited street views as it faced Quarry House
· In relation to affordable housing it was noted that this phase was proposed as general market housing with the affordable housing to be delivered through a housing association at the level required by policy at the time of the outline application. The reserved matters submission now seeks to provide the residential accommodation as a build to rent development with the affordable housing to be provided at discounted market rents as allowed for by the council’s updated affordable housing policies which now reflect this model of delivery. In this case the applicant had submitted a viability assessment to demonstrate that they could not meet the full level of affordable housing required by the revised policy but that 27 units would be provided with discounted market rents controlled through the S106 agreement. The District Valuer had provided a report and was present at the meeting to clarify his assessment, which had taken in to account increased construction costs and the impact of the Covid pandemic.
Members comments to the proposal were as follows:
· Members made comment with regards to the colour of the brickwork and window frames which in their view made the buildings appear too dark in contrast to the appearance of the approved blocks E and F. It was acknowledged that a trimming to the buildings could be in a lighter cladding and this would be discussed with the developers. The architect for the development addressed the Panel to provide clarification on the design of the buildings, saying they would be happy to discuss further, the materials for this. It was noted that not all Members were of the same mind to use a lighter material to the trimming of the buildings. It was noted that at a previous panel to discuss this development, it had been suggested a bridge should be designed to access the development from the City Centre as this is a busy road with no safe access for pedestrians
· It was the view that the proposed cycles routes may conflict with pedestrians and that this is something that the Panel need to address on future developments
· It was a concern that if trees were to be planted in planters, the planters should have an open bottom, otherwise the trees would die
Councillor Nash moved the motion with the proviso that there be discussions to reconsider the trimming of the buildings in a lighter colour.
RESOLVED – To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer to approve the application in principal as set out in the report, with further discussions to be had with the developers on materials.
Supporting documents: