To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for eleven houses, one block of four bungalows with staff faciulituies and one block of thirteen flats with one staff accomodation unit.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for eleven houses, one block of four bungalows with staff facilities and one block of thirteen flats with one staff accommodation unit at land off Cockshott Lane, Armley.
Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The following was highlighted:
· This would be a hybrid development of 11 private houses and a block of 13 flats and 4 bungalows for supported living. There would also be a staff accommodation unit.
· An area of private greenspace within the site would be retained and enhanced.
· The application had been presented as a position statement in January 2021.
· The site was in a sustainable location with nearby convenience shops and public transport links.
· The site consisted of non-allocated land and green space.
· The site was currently overgrown and had been used for fly tipping.
· Public rights of way across the site.
· It was proposed to plant 67 new trees.
· Proposed layout of the site.
· Buildings would be predominantly brick built with elements of render to match the characteristics of the area.
· The supported living accommodations would be aimed at vulnerable adults.
· The proposed landscaping plan which had been amended following the presentation of the position statement.
· CGI images of the proposed buildings.
· Biodiversity net gain – there would be a 10% gain via on and offsite provision. Any offsite provision to be within the Armley Ward.
· Sustainability measures to meet Policies EN1 and EN2.
· It was recommended that the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval with an additional condition for the provision of bird and bat boxes within the site.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· Provision of outdoor seating – there was concern that this may encourage people to congregate in an area that had already seen anti-social behaviour. Further discussion could be held with the applicant to find a suitable solution.
· All Ward Councillors had been consulted on the application.
· Affordable housing – expressions of interest for a provider would be sought. There was a possibility that provision would be made by means of a commuted sum.
· Re-use of wood from trees that have been removed.
· Size standards – the private dwellings fell slightly below standards but loft spaces could be converted or used for storage.
· Brought in topsoil would be checked for contamination. It would normally be at least a foot in depth.
· Condition regarding hours of operation – this could be re-visited in terms of the hours of operation on Sundays and controlling deliveries.
· Ward Councillors would be consulted with regards to spending money provided in regards biodiversity.
· The greenspace would be kept in a naturalised state with quality pathways and there would be a management plan to cover this area. There could be provision of a hard standing area for seating and tables.
· Properties facing Cockshott Lane could have chimney pots installed.
· Rainwater butts could be considered.
· Ward Councillors had been supportive of the application but felt that determination by Panel would be appropriate.
· It was suggested that outstanding issues relating to the provision of a seating area, re-use of felled trees, access gates on the public rights of way and provision of chimney pots be discussed further with the applicant and any subsequent approval to be agreed in consultation with the Chair.
· Maintenance of the greenspace would be the responsibility of the developer within their landscape management plan and possibly through contributions from the private properties or registered social landlord properties.
· The private dwellings were 3 metres under the space standards but this did not include the loft space. It was reported that loft space could be classed as habitable space where the height was over 1.5 metres.
· Members broadly supported the application although some concerns remained with regard to space standards not being met.
RESOLVED – That approval be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 (and any others which he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a Section 106 agreement to include the following obligations:
- Greenspace off site contribution (within Armley Ward) (£25,888.96)
- Biodiversity Net Gain calculation for off-site provision (£79,930)
- Affordable Housing – 2 units (private housing element) and securing of Social Housing (remaining units) in perpetuity.
- Contribution to ‘bus only’ Residential MetroCards (£13,513.50)
- Employment & Skills co-operation/initiatives (construction)
- Requirement for public access to and maintenance of all routes through the scheme and public spaces.
In the circumstances where the Section 106 Agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.
To discuss with applicant and seek Chairs approval
· Hard surfaced area to be provided in amenity space to be used by persons bring their own chairs to the area.
· To confirm how felled trees will be re used.
· Access gate restrictions to ensure vehicles do block one of pedestrian accesses between existing dwellings.
· Chimney pots to be provided to the 6 properties facing on to Cockshott Lane
Additional conditions
· Minimum depth of topsoil to be 300mm or as advised by Land Contamination team.
· No working or deliveries on Sundays.
· Provision of Rainwater Butts.
Supporting documents: