Agenda item

Youth Consultation Report

The report of the Head of  Stronger Communities presents to the committee an overview of the results of the recent Online Youth Consultation, including top three activity choices, locations and times most selected by Young People in Outer West.


(Report attached)


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with the background and context on the decision not to have a youth summit in 2020/21.


The report provided the Community Committee with an update on the Youth Activity Fund consultation with children and young people. The consultation had been held with the aim to inform the Community Committee’s Youth Activity Fund spend for the 2021/22 financial year.


It had been the plan to deliver Youth Summits virtually this year, to ensure that events could still go ahead even with Covid restrictions. However, with the lockdown in December 2020, and with schools closed until 8th March 2021, even virtual Youth Summits were not possible. Therefore, it was proposed that an online consultation survey would be produced to capture feedback on how children and young people wished to see the Youth Activity Fund spent in their area.


Members were informed that the consultation survey was promoted from Monday 15th February 2021 until Friday 30th April. Promotion of the survey was published across the Outer West area with information posted on the Community Committee Facebook pages, publicity sent out to local primary and high schools, clusters, youth groups and any other organisations that are funded or work with young people.


The Outer West Community Committee received 63 survey responses.


The survey recorded that children and young people from Outer West Community Committee area suggested the following:

·  Activities to be offered at a variety of venues including, community centres, youth clubs and sports centres, as well as outdoor activities.

·  Activities to take place after school, and also on weekends.

·  Activities are inclusive of friendship groups, offer opportunities for learning and creativity, and are sported by good quality staff.

·  Popular activities included, Outdoor Adventures, Coding / Minecraft, Cooking, Dance, Football, BMX/Cycling, Basketball, Singing and Swimming.


In response to questions from Members the Community Committee were provided with the following information:

·  The responses received by the Outer West Community Committee was average compared to the other 9 community committees across Leeds.

·  All schools in the Outer West area had been approached. Members would be provided with the geographical spread for the Outer West area.

·  It was advised that Scout and Guide groups had not been included as part of the process. It was acknowledged that this was a missed opportunity. It was note that Breeze groups had been part of the process.


RESOLVED – To note:

a. Reflections from the last 12 months during the pandemic (paragraphs 12 - 22).

b. Details of the Youth Activity Fund consultation survey (paragraphs 23 - 31).

c. That the Youth Activity Fund survey informs the Community Committee’s Youth Activity Fund for 2021/22.

d. That any projects funded by the Community Committee from the Youth Activity Fund focus on the themes and activity priorities identified in the Youth Activity Fund consultation survey.

e. That the Communities Team arrange a physical Youth Summit with young people this financial year, 2021/22 and that this informs the Youth Activity Fund spend for 2022/23.



Supporting documents: