Agenda item

Outer West Community Committee Finance Report

This report provides the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget for 2021/22.


(Report attached)


The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships provided the Community Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund, Youth Activity Fund, Capital Budget, as well as the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Budget for 2021/22.


Members were advised that Paragraph 14 of the report presented the minimum conditions in relation to delegated decisions. The Committee were invited to review and consider whether any changes were required to the minimum conditions.


Members were of the view that no changes were required for this coming year.


Members raised concerns in relation to the number of events that had been cancelled. They requested clarification on the cancellations and requested that any cancellations should be in consultation with Members.


Specific concern was raised in relation to the number of summer bands that had been cancelled. It was noted that more information would be sought from Parks and Countryside


Members also had concerns with regards to the information provided by applicants for funding. They were of the view that more information was required for them to make decisions. Members agreed that they also wished to be provided with additional information in the spread of applications from across the wards.


Members received the following information:

·  The total revenue budget approved by the Executive Board for 2021/22 was £94, 210.00.  It was noted that the total revenue funding available for 2021/22 was £139,614.28. So far, a total of £65,699.62 had been allocated to wellbeing ring-fences and projects, with a remaining balance of £73,914.66. This was shown in Table 1 with a breakdown of the wellbeing projects listed.

·  Members were invited to consider a wellbeing application for ‘Rock up to do a mock up’ with Building Futures Together the amount applied for was £5,545.00 across all 3 wards.

·  Youth Activity Fund available to spend including carry forward from previous year is £69,371.02. A total of £43,990.00 has been allocated to projects and ring-fences. A full breakdown of the projects was listed at Table 2 of the report.

·  Members were asked to consider the following projects for Youth Activity Funding

o  Pudsey Youth Café – Pudsey Wellbeing Charity - who had requested an increase of £20.00 to the original approved funding - £2,260.00

o  Targeted Programme – Youth Service - £1,500.00

o  Mini Summer Sports Programme 2021 – Youth Service - £720.00

·  Monitoring information was provided on DAZL – Outer West Dance Programme.

·  The Community Committee had approved a small grants and skips budget of £5,000.00 for 2021/22. It was noted that there is currently a remaining balance of £3,704.41. Table 3 of the submitted report provided information on the small grants and skips allocation to date. Members were asked to consider two small grants application for Cricket Nets by Calverley St Wilfred’s Cricket Club for £500.00  and Traditional Karate makes Champions for Life from Daido Traditional Karate Club for £432.00.

·  It was noted that following a recent Capital injection there was a Capital budget of £37,338.00. Table 4 in the report showed the balances for each ward. Members were asked to consider an outstanding Capital Application for Changing Rooms New-build at Farnley Falcons ARLFC for £5,000.00.

·  Members were advised that Table 5 of the report presented the current balance for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) of £110,991.74 split by wards.

·  Table 6 of the report provided an up-to-date balance statement on the Outer West Covid 19 Discretionary Funds. It was noted that this is still open and ring-fenced by the Outer West Community Committee.

·  Table 7 of the report provided a summary of the Central Government Ward Based Covid Funds. It was noted that the Outer West Community Committee had spent all allocated money.


The Committee was advised that a natter bench which had been originally allocated to be positioned in Marsden Memorial was currently being look at by Parks and Countryside, as the original position was not suitable. Parks and Countryside are looking for a more suitable site.


RESOLVED - To note and approve

a. Details of the ‘minimum conditions’ for delegated decisions (Paragraph 14)

b. Details of the Wellbeing Budget position (Table 1)

c. Wellbeing proposals for consideration and approval (Paragraph 24)

d. Details of the Youth Activities Fund (YAF) position (Table 2)

e. YAF proposals for consideration and approval (Paragraphs 29-32)

f. Details of the Small Grants & Skips Budget (Table 3)

g. Small Grant proposals for consideration and approval (Paragraphs 41-43)

h. Details of the Capital Budget (Table 4)

i. Capital proposals for consideration and approval (Paragraphs 45-46)

j. Details of the Community Infrastructure Levy Budget (Table 5)

k. Details of the Covid-19 Discretionary Fund Budget (Table 6)

l. Details of the Central Government Ward Based Covid-19 Fund Budget (Table 7)







Pudsey Youth Cafe

Pudsey Wellbeing Charity




Targeted Programme

Youth Service

Calverley& Farsley, Farnley & Wortley, Pudsey


Approved in principal - feedback required

Rock up to do a mock up

Building Futures Together

Calverley& Farsley, Farnley & Wortley, Pudsey


Approved in principal – Feedback required

Mini Summer Sports Programme 2021

Youth Service

Calverley& Farsley, Pudsey


Approved in principal – request for Farnley and Wortley ward to be included

Changing Rooms New-Build

Farnley Falcons ARLFC

Farnley and Wortley Capital



Cricket Nets

Calverley St Wilfred’s Cricket Club

Calverley & Farsley



Traditional Karate Makes Champions for Life

Daido Traditional Karate Club













Supporting documents: