To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks the conversion of Leonardo Building and Thoresby House to provide student accommodation and a ground floor commercial unit, comprising the part-demolition and alterations to existing extension to Leonardo Building; demolition of existing roofs, addition of two storey roof extension to Leonardo Building and single storey to Leonardo Printworks and Thoresby and internal alterations. Erection of new-build eleven storey student accommodation building to existing car park. Associated works including creation of new public realm comprising resurfacing works, provision of street furniture, trees and other planting and alterations to the highway, at Leonardo Building & Thoresby House 2 Rossington Street, Leeds, LS2 8HD.
The report also requests Listed Building Consent Application 21/02845/LI for the conversion of Leonardo Building and Thoresby House to provide student accommodation and a ground floor commercial unit, comprising the part-demolition and alterations to existing extension to Leonardo Building; demolition of existing roofs, addition of two storey roof extension to Leonardo Building and single storey to Leonardo Printworks and Thoresby House; repairs and restoration to facades including new openings to the upper level elevations and internal reconfigurations including demolition of modern stair tower extensions, installation of new glazed stair core and window replacements in Leonardo Building and Thoresby House. Erection of new-build eleven storey student accommodation building to existing car park.
Associated works including creation of new public realm comprising to include limited reconfiguration of the existing listed wall and railings, resurfacing works, provision of street furniture, trees and other planting and alterations to the highway, at Leonardo Building & Thoresby House 2 Rossington Street, Leeds, LS2 8HD.
(Report attached)
With reference to the meeting of 10th June 2021 and the decision to look again at the scale, massing and the treatment of the new building; the design of the proposed roof extensions; and the approach and treatment of the street frontages, the Chief Planning Officer now submitted a report which provided an update on the discussions that had taken place with the developer.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The Planning case officer addressed the Panel explaining the revised proposals would retain the 20th century Leonardo Building (which was to be demolished and replaced on the previous planning and listed building consents 18/06365/FU and 18/06366/LI), with this element being re-clad and extended upwards. A further revised extension was proposed to the roofs of the Listed Leonardo Building and Thoresby Building and overall this part of the scheme had been amended as follows:
- A commercial unit of approximately 57.5 m2 has been introduced to ground floor of the 20th century Leonardo Building to provide active frontage to the corner addressing Rossington Street and Millennium Square. This unit would have level access to the commercial unit provided along Rossington Street.
- The top floor parapet of the 20th century re-elevated Leonardo Building has been enhanced and detailed to provide a ‘lantern’ aspect to the corner addressing Millennium Square.
- The brick parapet of the new elevation to the retained 20th century Leonardo
Building has been raised, with the effect being the visual reduction of the top floor setback of Leonardo, such that it appears as single storey element from street views.
- The top storey extension cladding to be more reflective by use of look-a-like glazed panels.
Members were informed the revised new building would retain 11 storeys including a ground floor double height lobby, plus a roof top plant level, but has been revised as follows:
- The building height had been reduced by 1.2m
- The top floor masonry parapet had been reduced in height by 0.75m
- The top floor masonry parapet was to be detailed to create a modern relative to the parapet of 2 Great George Street.
-- The top storey extension cladding to be more reflective by use of the same look-alike glazed panels as proposed for the Leonardo and Thoresby roof extensions, providing continuity in material expression across the scheme.
Members noted the scheme would still include new publicly accessible open landscaped areas between the Thoresby Building and the new building and between this new block and No.2 Great George Street, on what is currently hard surfaced car parking and open space areas. No car parking is proposed for this development, although secure cycle parking is to be provided. Pick up / drop off and refuse servicing would be likely to be taken from Rossington Street.
Members raised the following questions to officers:
· For anyone standing in Millennium Square, would they be able to see into the halls of residence.
· There still remained a slight concern about the difference between the horizontal emphasis on the existing building (strong horizontal banding) and the strong vertical emphasis of the new building.
In responding to the issues raised, officers said:
· Member were informed that the halls of residence had been repositioned further along with a Commercial Unit now occupying that space so that it is unlikely there will be direct views into the residential accommodation from Millennium Square.
· The LCC Design Officer said the concerns made by Members would be raised with the Architect, and could form part of detailed design considerations at condition discharge stage
In offering comments Members raised the following issues:
· In general Members were supportive of the application suggesting it was a vast improvement on the previous submitted proposals
In drawing the discussion to a conclusion, the Chair suggested there appeared to be a lot of support for this development.
It was moved and seconded that the application be approved in accordance with the report recommendation.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was passed unanimously.
(i) That Application No. 21/02844/FU be deferred and delegated
to the Chief Planning Officer for approval, subject to notification of the application to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the conditions set out at Appendix 1 of the submitted report (and any amendment to or addition of others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate) and subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following:
· Employment and training of local people
· Publicly accessible areas
· Occupation of the residential units by students only
· The provision and monitoring of an index reviewed travel plan fee of £5,743.00
· A Traffic Regulation Order contribution of up to £10,000.00.
· Payment for any required suspension of parking bays for pick-up/drop off at start/end of term at the rate of £320 per year for the lifetime of the student use.
· A monitoring fee
(ii) In the event of the Section 106 having not been completed within 3 months of the Panel resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the applications shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.
(iii) To defer and delegate Application No. 21/02845/LI to the Chief Planning Officer for approval, subject to notification of the application to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government and the conditions set out at Appendix 1 of the submitted report (and any amendment to or addition of others which the Chief Planning Officer considers appropriate).
Supporting documents: