The report of the Chief Officer Elections and
Regulatory requested the Licensing Sub Committees consideration for
an application to vary a premises licence, made by Kanthasamy
Senthuran, for Londis 249, Low Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5NY
In attendance at the meeting were:
Mr Kanthasamy Senthuran – Applicant
Mr Ian Rushton – Applicant’s Representative
Cllr Ray Jones – on behalf of Horsforth Town Council
Prior to the commencement of the meeting Cllr
Flynn advised all present that unfortunately a third member could
not be found to hear the application. He asked if all parties were
agreeable to the meeting continuing with only two members.
All parties agreed that the hearing
The Licensing Officer informed the
Sub-Committee of the following points:
- The hearing to consider this
application had originally been scheduled for the 23rd
June 2021. Further to a request from the applicant’s agent it
had been deferred.
- The premises were granted a premises
licence in April 2019 for the sale of alcohol for consumption off
the premises, every day between the hours of 06:00 and 23:00. On
the 16th February 2021 an application was received for
both the transfer of the licence and a change to the Designated
Premises Supervisor (DPS), to Kanthasamy Senthuran.
- A full variation application was
received by Licensing on 27th April 2021. The
application was to:
- Extend the hours for the sale of
alcohol and the hours of opening to 24 hours, also add the activity
of late night refreshment, as the premises has a Costa Coffee
machine. Between the hours of midnight and 05:00, it was proposed
that all sales would be via a hatch.
- Remove and replace all current
non-mandatory conditions, except public nuisance conditions, these
would remain the same as currently on the premises licence. The
applicant also proposed a further new condition for staff to
monitor outside the shop to check that youths are not congregating
or causing a nuisance.
- The applicant’s agent had
informed the Licensing Authority and the objectors to the
application that a decision had been made to reduce the hours
applied for to:
- sale of alcohol:
- Sunday to Thursday 06:00 until
- Friday and Saturday 06:00 until
- Late night refreshment:
- Sunday to Thursday 23:00 until
- Friday and Saturday 23:00 until
- The application submitted for 24
hours, included reference to a serving hatch being used after 11pm.
However, the applicant now deems that a hatch is not appropriate or
necessary, and proposed to amend this so that customers continue
going inside the shop after 11pm for their purchases.
- Representation had been received
from the Environmental Protection Team in their capacity as a
responsible authority. A copy of the representation was appended to
the report at Appendix D. It was noted that since the publication
of the agenda and the reduction of hours an email had been received
from Environmental Protection Team withdrawing their
- Entertainment Licensing were also in
receipt of a letter of representation from Horsforth Town Council,
who opposed the application on grounds of public nuisance. A copy
of the representation was attached to the submitted report at
Appendix E.
- A list of premises in the local area
and their licensed hours and activities was provided at Appendix
Mr Rushton addressed the Licensing Sub
Committee providing the following information:
- This is a general convenience store
selling the usual goods of newspapers, bread, milk and alcohol.
Alcohol sales are approximately 10-15% of all sales.
- The applicant, Mr Senthuran lives in
the Harehills area of Leeds and became the owner of Londis in
February 2020, taking on a 15 year lease for the shop. Mr Senthuran
has worked in retail for 6 years and has a personal licence and
will be the DPS, he also has experience of working in licensed
- No complaints have been received in
relation to the premises and it was the view of the
applicant’s representative that these are well run
- The original application had been
for a 24 hour premises licence, however, this had now been further
reduced to 6:00am until midnight seven days a week and a late night
refreshment from 11pm until midnight seven days a week.
- Mr Senthuran wants to be part of the
community and develop the business.
- The original application had also
proposed that a serving hatch would be used for purchases. However,
with the reduced hours it was not deemed necessary and customers
would enter the shop to buy goods.
- It was the view that this was a
comprehensive application to promote the licensing objectives.
There is CCTV both inside and outside the premises with 48 cameras
in total. The premises use Challenge 25, staff would receive
appropriate training and regular checks would be made to ensure
that notices requesting that customers be quiet are in place and
that litter is removed from the front of the premises. It was noted
that a risk assessment had been submitted.
- The police had raised no objections
to the original application for a 24 hour premises licence. No
objections had been received from Ward Councillors or
- Discussions had taken place with the
Horsforth Town Council in relation to the reduction of hours to
midnight. At the discussions it was the view of the Town Council
that resources of the police would be stretched if the extra hour
was granted.
Councillor Jones on behalf of the Horsforth
Town Council informed the Licensing Sub Committee of the following
- This application had been discussed
by the Town Council and had considered the reduced hours.
- These premises are located on a busy
road which has airport traffic travelling along it and is in a
residential area.
- There is a Tesco’s nearby
which closes at 11pm and a garage nearby also.
- Londis is located close to the
student campus and the Town Council were concerned that students
may go to Londis to purchase alcohol when the Tesco shuts at 11pm.
Councillor Jones said that incidents of anti-social behaviour
involving the students had occurred outside the Tesco. The Town
Council were concerned that if the extra hour till midnight was
granted to Londis issues of anti-social behaviour would transfer to
- The Town Council would be happy with
Londis opening until midnight but not to sell alcohol.
- The concerns of the Town Council
were that there would be an increase in noise in this residential
area. Councillor Jones said that he had spoken to the police who
had said that they were unaware of this application.
In response to questions from the Licensing
Sub Committee the following was noted:
- The Tesco is approximately 700 yards
away from Londis.
- No examples of anti-social behaviour
could be provided to the Sub- Committee, but incidents were logged
by the Town Council. There had been fewer incidents recently as
there had been no students on campus due to the pandemic.
- The proposal of 06:00 till midnight,
seven days a week had been agreed with Environmental Protection
- There would be no seating area
outside Londis. Purchases would be takeaway only. It was the view
that taxi drivers would use the premises for takeaway coffee. It
was noted that Londis had a large parking area.
Mr Rushton in summing up provided the
following information:
- There are comprehensive conditions
on the premises licence.
- There had been no objections from
residents or Local Ward Councillors.
- There were powers to address
anti-social behaviour.
- Licence Holders are only responsible
for the area immediately outside the shop.
- It was only speculation that there
would be issues of bad behaviour outside Londis.
- There was CCTV inside and outside
Londis, which would be made available to the police.
- These premises are well run and if
there were issues with a midnight close this could be brought to a
Members discussions included:
- Proposed hours of opening
- Proximity of other premises with a
- Anti-social behaviour issues
- Noise issues
RESOLVED – To grant the premises
licence as applied for.
The meeting
concluded at 11:00am