To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory for an application made jointly by Mr Matthew Delahunty and Mr John Lincoln for Triple Seven Pizza, Shirefit Gym, Crowther House, Ravenscliffe Road, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5RZ.
(Report attached)
The Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory) submitted a report that introduced an application for the grant of a premises licence, made jointly by Mr Matthew Delahunty and Mr John Lincoln for Triple Seven Pizza, Shirefit Gym, Crowther House, Ravenscliffe Road, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5RZ.
In summary, the application proposes the sole activity sale by retail of alcohol Friday – Sunday, 15:00 until 22:00 hours.
The application has attracted six representations from local residents compromising of five which oppose the application, and one in support.
The following were in attendance:
o Mr John Lincoln – Applicant and Proposed Designated Premises Supervisor
o Mr Matthew Delahunty – Applicant
The Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee explained the procedure to be followed and the Principal Licensing Officer outlined the application.
Mr Lincoln addressed the Sub-Committee. Mr Lincoln explained that himself and Mr Delahunty were successful in raising money for a charity with making dough kits during the first lockdown. Mr Lincoln went on to say how this initially led into the business, the purchase of the van and expanding on creating DIY kits from home. It was confirmed that Triple Seven Pizza have been trading from Shirefit Gym since 7th November 2020, offering a click and collect service. Mr Lincoln explained that as their business model changed, seating was introduced for patrons to use on the premises and as that expanded, customers were requesting alcoholic beverages to enjoy with their meal. Mr Lincoln informed the Sub-Committee that Temporary Event Notices (TENs) have successfully been used, and it was confirmed that Triple Seven Pizza have only been operating 1 day per week at Shirefit Gym.
My Lincoln informed the Sub-Committee that surrounding neighbours are respected, and music comes from a small handheld speaker, positioned inside the van. The music provided a slight ambience and is lowered at 8 pm when the clean-up process begins. It was also confirmed that patrons are able to use bins on the premises, and waste is then emptied by Mr Lincoln and Mr Delahunty into larger bins on the site. Mr Lincoln was of the view that anti-social behaviour wouldn’t be attracted, due to the offer of premium food and the use of a pre-booking system.
Mr Lincoln informed the Sub-Committee that the van has been positioned in the top right-hand corner of the car park, to maintain car parking spaces. It was confirmed that there will be approximately 10 car parking spaces, with the ability to exceed this number. Additionally, it was confirmed there will be 6 benches for patrons to use. Mr Lincoln informed the Sub-Committee of an incident that had been referred to in the representations, and in relation to the gym that required the re-positioning of the van for a day, subsequently causing parking related issues. Mr Lincoln confirmed this would not happen again and was a rare incident.
Mr Lincoln confirmed it wasn’t the intention to operate on Friday, Saturday and Sunday but as a small business, this provided flexibilities around the weather and other pre-booked commitments. Mr Lincoln went on to say that alcohol will always be secondary to the food being sold and will be offered in small measurements of 330 ml cans, rather than 500 ml. Mr Lincoln explained that small premium products were sought to deter any anti-social behaviour, and to respect surrounding neighbours.
Mr Lincoln summarised by informing the Sub-Committee that all the TENs applied for have been passed through relevant bodies with no representations, and provided assurances that Triple Seven Pizza will be a responsible seller.
In response to questions for Sub-Committee Members, the following information had been confirmed:
· Mr Lincoln and Mr Delahunty have full time jobs separate to Triple Seven Pizza, and Mr Lincoln viewed the business as a ‘little project’. The applicants do not intend operating on Fridays and the hours / days sought provided the business with flexibility. Saturday will predominantly be the day Triple Seven Pizza will operate;
· During winter months and colder weather, patrons typically click and collect food and during sunnier weather, patrons can sit at one of the benches and enjoy their food fresh out of the oven. As Triple Seven Pizza receive more bookings for events, the business will not operate at Shirefit Gym as frequently;
· The adjacent neighbour looking onto the premises, has submitted a positive representation. A lot of the local community, particularly from Crowther Avenue and Ravenscliffe Road put forward their positive views and are customers;
· Alcohol is set at a price that isn’t attractive for patrons to take out, and the 330 ml cans are priced at £3 each. The decision on the sizing of beverages sold has purposely been made so that any alcohol sold is a supplement to a meal. The applicants wish to avoid any anti-social behaviour related issues and younger people using the business as an outlet to purchase alcohol. Challenge 21 will be enforced, and Mr Lincoln explained there has never been a sale of only alcohol.
· Triple Seven Pizza is a family orientated business, and it was of the opinion of the applicant that nobody else in the area offers what they do.
At this stage, the Sub-Committee moved into private session to deliberate.
The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered the report of the Chief Officer (Elections and Regulatory), the Statement of Licensing Policy and the representations submitted and made at the hearing on behalf of the applicant.
RESOLVED – That the application for the grant of a premises licence be granted, subject to the following conditions:
The sale of alcohol will only be permitted on 1 day over a 7-day calendar week, with the flexibility of operating on either a Saturday or Sunday;
No beverages are to be sold other than those in either cans or plastic;
The sale of alcohol to end at 9:30 pm, and there will be a drinking-up time of 30 minutes to ensure patrons have vacated the licensable area by 10 pm.
Supporting documents: