To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which provides a position statement on the emerging planning brief for the Temple District, South
Bank, Leeds.
(Report attached)
Members considered a report by the Chief Planning Officer which provided a position statement on the emerging Planning Brief for the Temple District,
South Bank, Leeds.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the
discussion of this item.
The Planning case officer addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the
Planning Brief, it’s purpose:
· To provide a consolidated framework for the Temple District which facilitates, supports and directs comprehensive regeneration within this part of Leeds.
· To establish development guidance for the area based on existing planning policy and guidance.
· To highlight key considerations for development within the wider area (beyond the Planning Brief boundary)
· To support re-development proposals linked to the repair and stabilisation of Temple Works in an enhanced setting
· To set out a strategy for regeneration of the whole area, linked to wider Council ambitions.
· To provide clarity for developers on future planning applications and to support the Council’s consideration of those applications
Next Steps
· Proceed to consultation
· Bring the full draft planning brief to City Plans Panel in September 2021 as part of the consultation
· Final Temple District Planning Brief would be presented as a Member Training/ Informative Note once approved
Members raised the following issues
· There was some important local routes running through the site, would there be a rationalisation of the road network.
· The Temple Works building, was it likely to be used, had any broad interest been received.
· The importance of the Temple Works building, were any height restrictions being considered around it.
· Had consideration been given to a Phasing Plan (to create viability) we would not like to see the scheme that only half delivered
· Members queried if there were any plans for the future development of the Commercial Public House
In responding to the issues raised, Officers said:
· The Planning Brief acts as stepping-stone into future master planning work for the Temple District, which would include detailed consideration of the highway network within the area.
· Members were informed that the British Library had expressed an interest in the Temple Works building and other expressions of interest had been received for other sites within the area
· It was suggested that tall buildings and how they related to the Temple Works building was a critical issue, there was a need to create vibrancy but this may be achieved by other ways.
· It was suggested that there was already in place a long-term solution for the Temple Works Building but further support was required for the further regeneration of the area.
· The Commercial Public House was identified as a non-designated heritage asset within the Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan (Made in 2018) and the intention was to retain this within any regeneration proposals if possible
(i) To note the continued work on the draft Temple District Planning Brief
(ii) To note that the draft Planning Brief would be presented to City Plans Panel in September to receive detailed comments as part of the consultation process
(iii) To note that the published Planning Brief would be presented to City Plans Panel after it has been approved.
Supporting documents: