Agenda item

Executive Questions

To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.


Q1  Councillor Amanda Carter to the Executive Member (Resources):-


Would the Executive Member for community safety explain why the Council feels it is acceptable to lease a shop unit that is used to sell, among other items, machetes, swords, and tomahawks?


The Executive Member (Resources) replied.


Q2  Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing)


Given the fact that Wakefield has suffered no ‘Covid-related’ disruption to waste collections this year, and the city recently announced an extension of citywide garden waste collection, can the Executive Member for Environment and Housing please confirm whether he is willing to consult his equivalent in Wakefield to better understand how to improve waste collection performance?


The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.


Q3  Councillor Ragan to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles):-


Please could the Executive Member with responsibility for sport comment on the city’s relationship with Yorkshire County Cricket Club?


The Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles) replied.


Q4  Councillor Gabriel to the Executive Member (Communities):-


Could the Executive Member please update Council on the impact of the Government’s Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021 on Leeds’ low-paid and vulnerable residents?


The Executive Member (Communities) replied.


Q5  Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-


Would the Executive Member for Environment and Housing please provide a full breakdown of the projected £5.1m overspend in the refuse department for the current year, with particular reference to the amounts spent on staff overtime and on agency workers.


The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.


Q6  Councillor Golton to the Leader of Council:-


Can the Leader of Council confirm that his front bench provide oversight of the written responses to Elected Members’ questions made at Full Council to ensure that what is received is both truthful and timely?


The Leader of Councilreplied.


Q7  Councillor Marshall-Katung to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-


Can the Executive Member update Council on school funding?


The Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education) replied.


At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-


Q8  Councillor Ragan to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles):-


Q9  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).


Q10  Councillor Bentley to the Leader of Council


Q11  Councillor Jenkins to the Executive Member (Adult & Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships).


Q12  Councillor Flynn to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q13  Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q14  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).


Q15  Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q16  Councillor D Seary to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q17  Councillor Campbell to the Leader of Council.


Q18  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).


Q19  Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).


Q20  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).

Q21  Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).


Q22  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).


Q23  Councillor Campbell to Councillor Groves.


Q24  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Public Health and Active Lifestyles).


Q25  Councillor Golton to the Leader of Council.


Q26  Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).


Q27  Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).


Q28  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).


Q29  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Resources).


Q30  Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Infrastructure & Climate).